The arrival

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~Y/n's POV~

I'm dropped off in the new neighbourhood where I'm supposed to now live.

The thing was, my family was fairly large. Eight kids including me. My family's house didn't have much room, so my parents started searching for places that my siblings and me could live.

They found a place and decided to send me there. The car stopped in front of a small house, and I got out.

I stood looking at the house in wonder. It was small and red. There were bushes next to the door on either side. The windows had large black round things that kind of made the house look alive.

The eye-like dots moved.

I froze in fear and wondered if I had just been hallucinating. I calmed down and looked around to see if anyone else had seen that.

No one was in sight, so I just assumed that I had been seeing things. I turned around and went to the car to grab my boxes and stuff.

I gathered everything and set it near the door. Once the car was cleared out, the person that brought me here left.

I opened the door and brought the boxes in. Once the boxes were inside I closed the door. I saw a small hallway and ventured into it.

In the hallway I saw a room with a plate next to it labeled:   Y/n's room. I knew that this was my room so I moved the boxes and stuff into that room.

There was already a dresser, bed, and desk, so all I needed to do was unpack everything and organize things.

~Wally's POV~

While I was painting, I heard shuffling in the room next to me and, filled with curiosity I went to go check it out.

I was supposed to be expecting a new person moving in so I assumed that this was them.

Either that or Home was playing around with me again. It did that when it was bored.

I exited my room and shut the door behind me. I looked down the hallway and saw that the door was open.

This must've been the new Neighbour! I peeked in the room and saw a person bent over a box, taking items out of it.

This was definitely y/n!! Filled with excitement I rapped on the doorframe.

Y/n turned around to look at me slightly startled. I noticed that they were surprised to see me so I smiled.

"Hello Neighbour! Nice to meet you! My name is Wally! Wally Darling! I hope you like the Neighbourhood so far!!"

I held out my hand gesturing them to shake my hand. They reached out and shook my hand, and I smiled more.

I noticed they blushed a little bit when I smiled. I wondered why they blushed.

"My name is y/n. Nice to meet you Wally." I smiled "Yes I know. Your parents talked to me before you were sent here.

Well I'll leave you to unpack! Let me know when you're done unpacking and I'll show you around! My room is just next to yours so don't be afraid to knock!"

I walked away and went back into my room to continue my painting. What a nice person.

This chapter was 568 words long. I will be counting the words when I finish a chapter. You all have a good day!

Wally Darling x Reader (Welcome Home fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now