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Haley hated on how people would treat her little brother. Just because he was different every day she would see the kids bulling her brother and the camp counselors doing nothing.

Each day hatred and anger were growing up inside her. One day the kids took it to far Haley was chopping away at logs when she heard commotion going on. She looks up breathing hard before the world around her stops as she watches in horror as the kids at camp through her little brother out into the lake.

"JASON!!!!" She cry's running to the pire dropping her axe as she runs as fast as she can running past the laughing kids as her little brother struggles to stay up above the water. She runs up the pire as the wooden boards creek under her feet as she runs. She goes to dive in when one of the older kids grabs her by the waist to keep her from ruining there prank.

"What's wrong sunshine it's just a prank"the boy holding her laughs sparking the anger in her ten fold as her eyes darken. She whirls her head around "let go of me now!!!!"she roars as he stares at the darkness in her eyes before he yells in pain when she punches him full force in the face.

Haley wasted no time into jumping into the lake before breaking through the surface before swimming to her brother "I'm coming Jason hold on"she begs as she swims towards her brother who locks his feared fill eyes with hers one last time before going completely under.

Hayley lets out a heart retching cry before diving under looking for him but all you could see was murky water and no Jason. She comes back up above water stare at where her little brother once was. Something snapped inside her that day as her eyes go dark with no emotion what so ever as she calmly walks up the shore of the lake with one thing on her mind revenge.

It was later that knight when the boy who stopped her from saving Jason was shown laying on a towel making out with a girl as crickets creak through the night. A shadow watches them from the darkness of the woods as they wear a mask that was pale with black filled eyes that cry blood as a stitched mouth stretched in a frightened smile rest upon the mask as the person holds a hand made sycth and double bladed axe as there hands clutch around the Handel's.

The person steps on a stick on purpose makeing a sound as the two teams break apart looking where the sound came from."Keith what was that"the girl asked the boy as it was completely silent around them before both jump when a scratching noise comes from when one of the blades slides against the rock.

The two teens stand up as they look around not noticing the stranger sneaking up behind the girl before it was to late. The girl gasped as the blade of the sycth stabs her through the head right into her left eye as blood runs Heavily down her face. 

Keith turns around confused "what wrong Kacey...."he asked but trilled off in horror at the sight with a blade sticking out of head before she was literally cut in half with the sycth as it cuts through her like nothing as blood splatters everywere.

Keith screams in fright as he falls backwards on his but looking at the dead girl before looking up seeing a person wearing a mask with black eye sockets as if they where crying blood but the stitched smile was the frightening part. The person silently tilts there head at them before yanking there sycth out the dead body as they slowly stalk forward.

Keith shakes his head as he crawls backwards "please don't kill me I didn't do anything"he begs but that only seem to make matters worse as the person through the sycth to the side before raising there double bladed axe and slash it down completely cutting off the leg to the knee through the bone as Keith cry's in agony as he turns on his stomach trying to crawl away as his leg bleeds rapidly.

The figure follows him as they tilt there head before walking around to the front of them as the boots crunch against the ground he looks up at the person with feared filled eyes as he watches the person use one hand as they lifted the mask off and he he saw made is eyes wide with surprise and horror.

There stood Haley in dark blue jeans as blood stains then as she wore a black tank top with a green flannel shirt as she stares at him coldy."why"Keith whispered with fear.

"You and the rest of them are the reason for my brothers death we're just getting revenge for him"she states making Keith confused on the weird part as chills go down his back as he stares at the darkness in her eyes no signs of humanity what so ever as she crunches down on one knee I'm front of him."I want to be the last face you see to think about what choice y'all made for the cost of an innocent life"she says as she grips the handel of her double bladed axe as she lifts it with both hands as Keith's eyes go wide with horror before she brings it down with force across his neck as splatter of blood hits her face as she stares at the dead body for moment.

She slowly get up before walking over to the tree line grabbing a gas can as she puts it over the two dead bodies before throwing the empty gas can to the side before lighting lighting a cigarette she pulled out as she takes a drag before tossing the lit cigarette on the gasoline as the bodies burst up in flames as the flames dance in the reflection of her cold eyes before she turns walking away picking up her double bladed axe and sycth before disappearing into the darkness of the woods.

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