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this one is only one chapter, but i'm seriously considering continuing this. the only reason i didn't was because i replayed his route and they smashed during it, so this whole plot was off base LMAO.

Takeru Sasazuka. A genius hacker for the X-day cases who essentially saved the whole prefecture. Such an untouchable mortal that some viewed him to be a god of sorts.

And who were you? (Y/n) Hoshino, an average-ranking police officer in Hyogo who managed to make the mighty hacker fall in love.

Ever since the end of the X-day drama, you had struggled to give attention to both Sasazuka and your struggling brother Kazuki. Due to this, his friend and partner Isshiki came over often, discussing music and helping to keep him company. It made you happy to see that your brother was getting better. Sasazuka, however, was not happy.

You received a text from him on LEAF that morning, which read; Why have you been ignoring my calls?

The truth was, you had been way too nervous to properly approach him ever since Eriko and Sakuragawa had told you about a major obstacle... an event that had never crossed your poorly innocent mind.

"Have you two shared your first night?"

Just thinking of that made your face heat up and you found your mind blank as you failed to conjure up a response to send back. You decided to reply later and shoved your phone in your pocket, deciding to make some breakfast for Kazuki and Isshiki to have.

Kazuki had slept over at his place, but they liked to come over to yours for breakfast due to your cooking skills. She placed the breakfast gently on the table, and heard the sound of a doorbell ringing.

Pausing your current task for a moment, you headed over to open the door.


Oh. Fuck.

Before you was not Isshiki, but in fact Sasazuka himself. His maroon eyes glimmered with annoyance and you tried to return his gaze but found yourself shying away, burning up at the sight of him.

"Ah, Sasazuka..."

Laughing nervously, you stepped aside to let him in. "Come in. I just finished making breakfast."

Without a word he stormed in and plopped himself down at the table, gazing down at the breakfast before him.


His voice cut through the silence, and made you practically jump out of your chair. "Y-yes? Is the food not to your liking, or is it something else-"

In an instant, he had pulled you up and pinned you against his wall, leaning so close that it forced you to gaze at him. Rather than it being an intimate moment, his eyes that were filled with rage suggested this was more an act of restraint.

"First you ignore me. Then you start inviting that dumb pop guy around? I don't understand why you had such a sudden change in demeanor, (Y/n)."

You blushed even more and found that words were formed quite incoherently. "Isshiki-kun only comes over because he's taking care of Kazuki, so of course I would make him breakfast! I was nervous around you because of a comment Mukai and Sakuragawa made so I avoided you as to not upset you."

He clicked his tongue and backed away, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Well, if you could tell me what they said then maybe I could help, stupid cat."

The nickname didn't sting that bad anymore. If anything, it was a bit endearing. Him using it caused you to want to impulsively answer; "They were talking about our... first night..."

Your voice trailed off as Sasazuka blinked slowly, then again.

"Say that again."

"They were talking about our first night together. We haven't had it yet so I was obviously just kind of a bit awkward, I know that you've probably done it but I-"

"No," Sasazuka turned his back towards me, "this is my first time actually dedicating myself to something as trivial as this. But damn, you make it a challenge sometimes."

A sense of guilt made its way into your stomach. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry."

Sasazuka let out a shaky exhale, most likely out of irritation. "I'm beyond angry now. I wonder what I should do, stupid cat. Maybe I should stop holding back as a little punishment~"

"Huh?!" you practically choked at his strangely sexual words. He didn't really seem like the type of guy to have a lot of kinks. Even though you couldn't see his face, you bet that he had the evilest smirk plastered on his face. He approached you, his footsteps echoing in the silent room.

"Kazuki and Isshiki will be home soon," you managed to choke out, feeling the intense heat of the room continuously build up until he was right in front of you once more.

You hesitantly bit back your fear and met his gaze. Right as you did so, however, he turned bright red and practically jumped away. He grumbled to himself whilst ignoring you. It couldn't help but be a bit frustrating, after he had so obviously wanted to stimulate something just to jump back.

It would not have mattered anyways because Isshiki and Kazuki arrived moments later. Once Kazuki saw Sasazuka, he looked like he was going to regurgitate.

"Why the hell is this guy here?!" he spat at me. "Don't tell me you two-"

"No way!" you immediately shut down the thoughts that were probably swarming Kazuki's mind. "He came over for breakfast. I invited him to come over this morning."

Kazuki nodded a bit hesitantly, trying his very hardest to believe what you were saying. Inwardly, you patted yourself on the back for the smooth lie, but Sasazuka looked none the wiser. It was a shame, he was almost always criticizing you for your lack of skill at telling fibs, and for once when you told a good one he was practically in another world.

Ah. You realized why he was moping. For breakfast you had cooked waffles with bacon, neither of those appealing to Sasazuka. Begrudgingly, you stood up again, neglecting your half-eaten meal.

"Welcome, Isshiki-kun," you greeted him with a smile, "I made breakfast for you and Kazuki to enjoy. Let me go prepare something for Sasa-"

Suddenly Sasazuka grabbed your wrist quite roughly and dragged you to the kitchen. Isshiki let out a light chuckle before immediately digging into his food with Kazuki.

Once he got to the kitchen, Sasazuka faced you, biting the inside of his cheek before he finally spoke.

"Tell me the truth. Are you really just avoiding me because of what those two said?" Sasazuka calmly asked, his voice devoid of emotion.

But when you looked up into his eyes, there was a glimmer of annoyance he did not even bother to hide. Oh well, he didn't mince words well.

"No," you answered him, pushing a thought away from you that had come into your head for a split moment. That selfish thought alone made you feel more disdain for yourself than you had before.

"I see," he turned his back and started to walk away, "I'm leaving. Don't bother making something for me."

The words didn't register in your mind until he slammed the door to your apartment. He left his coat. I have to get it to him so he doesn't get cold-!

You snatched it quickly and threw on your slippers, opening the door and racing after where he went. Despite the slippers and apron restricting your movement, you managed to catch up to him outside.

"Sasa...zu...ka..." you panted, stopping to catch your breath.

He spun around and his eyes slightly widened after seeing the state you were in.

"You forgot your coat," you blundered, handing it to him a little guiltily, "so- uhm- yeah. Good luck at work!"

Sending him off with a smile was the best thing to do, but there was no time to do it as he immediately turned away, just curtly saying; "Thanks. I don't need luck."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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