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Hello my pookies I hope you enjoy this chapter. Since my lazy ass is to tired to actually write down the entire story/dialog some of the dialog will be a bit different from the actual quests.


3rd pov:

Staring at wall, a female with [hair color] hair examined two of their friends bickering about who should give cpr, though the only thing was none of them exactly knew how to preform proper cpr, the female stood there awkwardly debating withier they should step in or not. To be honest though, [Name] wouldn't have to be here if it weren't for a deal she had made, if they joined with her companions on their mission, she would be rewarded with a slice of strawberry short cake. (I'm craving strawberry cake so badly, it not even a joke) Sighing the dark haired male agreed to preforming cpr. Just as soon the male leaned in, a hand immediately push him back. 

"Oh, it seems that their starting to wake up." the pink haired female spoke, walking towards the three. Upon waking up, the poor grey haired female was flooded with questions and concerns from the pink haired girl. 

"March, let them collect their thoughts for a bit." A more calm voice spoke. "Right! Sorry!"(Okay so I'm just do a time skip cause I'm too lazy to write all that.)

(Time skip brought to you by Pom-pom)

Currently reading a book after a fight with a gigantic beast, and Stella risking her life just to save March. Then Welt coming out of nowhere saving Stella from whatever was going on because [Name] was to invested in reading her book right after the battle with the huge ass boss. And Stella joining the Express. Looking up at the grey haired female, [Name] places a empty plate down on a near by table as a faint smile appeared on her lips.

"Oh, your back? That was quick, I only just finished eating my third slice."

"I just finished having a chat with Ms. Himeko and Mr. Yang. But the way do you know where I could find my room?" Stella asked sheepishly as her hand rubbed the back of her nape.

Guiding the grey haired girl from room to room and areas around the Express, the two stubled upon a certain room, before she could even knock on the door a voice spoke, "Your free to enter." "Thanks Dan-Dan" [Name] replied. Stella looking surprised as she questioned how the back haired male was able to scene their appearance even though they haven't spoken to loudly (Not that they talked much either). As the two entered the room they were greeted by Dan Heng. Walking to a bookshelf [Name] grabbed a book looking at the front cover before flipping through the book as Dan Heng explained a lot of things to the grey haired female.

After leaving the room two moved on to exploring March's room, well technically only Stella. [Name] was pretty much just writing a note for March to go with the slice of cake she's leaving behind for March. After exiting March's room an announcement was made by the conductor to please head to the main hall for traveling to the new planet, Jarilo-VI.


Okay this chapter may seem a bit short, because it is. Anyway I'll try my best not to make the next chapter short but it'll probably still end up happening either way. 

(Note: I have decide to update the plot bit to fit more of [Name]'s personality)

Word count: 565

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