Chapter Two: The Incident

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Fast forward about a month, Michelle hadn't heard anything about the car accident or the man involved on the other end, or even Fonzie. Fonzie would text Michelle every now and again but nothing too big on what had happened, it was almost as if he was scared of what would happen if he were to open up about it.

So every so often Michelle would message Fonzie first and ask how he was doing with his burns and he would just reply with the simplest of words, such as; good, fine, okay, and other words. But Michelle still felt as though she was at fault, even though a small, and I mean very small, part of her told her that she wasn't and that it was an uncontrollable event that would've happened regardless of the situation.

Michelle wanted peace of mind, so she decided to go to the hospital and check up on Fonzie face to face, thinking that under such circumstances, he might actually open up about what happened and talk about why he did what he did, only to save someone's life. she felt there was more of a backstory to it. Fonzie could just be a really nice man, but the Fonzie she knew was a rebel, didn't care for many people or anything even slightly considered as related to caring.

So Michelle got into the car that she had hired while she was looking for a new cheap car, and drove to the hospital, where she undone her seat belt and opened the door, getting out and locking the car behind her. She walked into the reception and Spoke to Topper Grant, The male receptionist, who she knew quite well outside of the hospital. because, you see, it was a very small town with only one school so everybody knew everybody and all the kids were friends and all of that nonsense. except for this man, who was in the other end of the car crash, Michelle had absolutely no idea who he was, which intrigued her more.

"Hey Top, i'm here to see Fonzie." Michelle spoke to Topper, but Topper gave an odd response to her statement.
"i'm really sorry but i haven't seen Fonzie in a few weeks now, he was discharged around a week and a half after the car- sorry, the accident," Topper spoke, cutting himself off mid sentence and making sure to be mindful of what he said as he knew that she had blamed herself for what had happened.

So Michelle asked, "well do you know where he said he was going after hospital? because he isn't responding to my messages really and well, he hasn't been at home since the accident, and that worries me that he's not here."
"I'm truly sorry michelle, i don't know where he could be, but i do know who he could be with." Topper thought, blurting out the last part of his sentence, as he thought that michelle couldn't hear that thought but he was wrong.

"who?" michelle asked out of curiosity, not realising that topper wasn't supposed to say what he said.
"oh i said that out loud, ok well, he had this old friend who came in to visit him a few times, didn't say his name and i've never seen him round town before. says he's from the city out east near the beaches." topper exclaimed, "but i don't know where they would be, that's all i know."

"okay, well thank you so much i'll go look for him now," michelle smiled, tapping the desk and turning to walk the other direction, when she was cut off by topper, who said "wait michelle, hold up, can i talk to you alone where there are no cameras or anything?" he asked.

"follow me," she stated, walking out to her car. topper got another nurse to cover him while he took a ten minute break. the two got in the car and wound up the windows to talk.
"okay, listen, i'm not supposed to disclose literally any information because i'm kind of working for the law and ya know, that's confidential stuff, BUT" he spoke, emphasising the last word.
"but?" michelle asked, confused.
"but... this man owns the manor up on Ellsworth drive, if your going to find Fonzie anywhere with him, it'll be there." topper exclaimed.

Ellsworth drive was where the posh, rich people lived, but mainly the people that owned houses on that road were never home, it was basically a summer street for rich people when they wanted a break from the outer cities, because apparently getting tired of being rich was a thing nowadays.
"okay, i've got to go find him, do you know what number?" michelle asked again.
"nah nothing like that, but i know who does!" grinned topper, looking out of the car towards the hospital.

"who?" michelle asked, curious but she also had a feeling she knew who topper was talking about. And so topper handed her a photo of the man who they thought Fonzie was with and added "you're gonna need this."
Topper and michelle looked at each other and immediately rushed out of the car into the hospital. if anybody was going to know something, it was that outsider that michelle hit with her car.

the two ran in through the entrance and reception, into the long corridor that made up the hall in which the rooms stood against, and they slowed down after security turned the corner. they then turned into yer another corridor and into the first room on the right, which read "ROOM 209", and michelle shut the door behind her.
"there you are doc, and i see you brought a visitor!" happily spoke the man from the crash.

"michelle, i was the one who uh..." michelle spoke, interrupted by the man
"nobody blames you michelle, especially not me." the man grinned a suspicious looking grin, probably trying to not strain his face too much after a hefty blow from the air bags.

"michelle, this is Lachlan Howard, because he didn't introduce himself, he was, ya know, yeah, well i'll let you two talk about things and sort some things out, just don't go bat shit crazy on each other, okay?" topper asked.
"deal", the two said in perfect sync. As they spoke, Topper left the room.
"nice guy, he is." Lachlan smiled more realistically then the weird grin he made before, "yeah, nice guy" Michelle added.

"so what brings you here michelle?" Lachlan asked, kind of confused.
"well, you see, my friend, who stopped us from being burnt alive, is now missing. he was last seen with a man you might know, this is him." she spoke, holding up the picture that topper had given her.

"yeah, that's my bud, Old Joe, he lives on Ellsworth Drive. why?" asked Lachlan.
"well, you see, that man who saves us from the explosion, Fonzie his name is, well he's actually missing and he's been hanging around this joe Man a lot recently, or so topper says, and i was just wandering i guess if you could help me find him. please?" begged Michelle.

"you don't need to ask twice, just head to 95 Ellsworth Drive and you'll see a large shack looking house that's all rusted up and has multiple stories, head there and Old Joe will surely answer the door." Lachlan exclaimed.
"95? but that's the old abandoned and haunted mansion!" squealed Michelle.
"sure is haunted, but it being abandoned? no sir, old Joe has ran that old bristle place for decades, people say he's lived there for nearly a millennia it's been that long. they were joking of course but that's how long it's felt like he's lived there seen as though all the other houses are new and more modern then it. but there's nothing to be worried about, the claims state that your only haunted in that house if you actually go in." Lachlan smiled a calming smile.

"okay? i'll go there now." michelle sighed.
"okay, good luck on finding Fonzie" Lachlan started as michelle smiled and began to walk out, but then Lachlan spoke again "and michelle?" he asked.
"yeah?" she stopped in her tracks and looked back towards Lachlan as he sat on his bed with his legs dangling off of the edge.
"don't die." he winked. Michelle was frightened, and more so nervous, not really wanting to go but she knew she had to do whatever it took to get Fonzie back. She walked out, with everything but thrill raging throughout her head.

michelle then put the photo on the desk after leaving the room and walking back the way she had come, and then waltzed out of the building, leaving without saying a word to topper or Maisie, the other receptionist whom michelle once had a close bond with.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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