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Chapter 1:

Introduction <3


Jordan breathed a heavy sigh as he entered his bedroom. His parents were currently fighting which ended up in someone being harmed most of the time. Hes used to it, but he has two other siblings that don't truely understand the situation but get the jist of it.

Having to deal with this since he was 6 is exhausted for his mental health. At times, he just wishes to leave this place called earth but he has to make sure his siblings are okay. He could never abandon his siblings no matter how much they annoyed him, his love for them was immeasurable. 

Luckily they were at their grandma's place or as they call her, Nana. He looked around his shared room. 

It really sucked. He was in high school, a freshman but still.

 He lived in a 2 bedroom house, 2 bath along with a dog named Emma. She was a golden retriever and was extremely sweet. She was out in the backyard, sleeping most likely.

 His eyes slowly drifted to his open and torn notebook. He couldn't even have his own stuff without both or one of his siblings reaching for it. He would've loved to decorate his room but of course not. He went to his little corner of the room that was dubbed his side of the room but it didn't matter, his siblings would intrude his 'space'. 

He walked over to his bed, clothes all over his bed, water bottles underneath and beside his bed.

Ugh, he really had to pick up. 

Jordan could hear vague words of his parents fighting in the background like 'bitch' 'you aren't listening' 'control freak' then it went silent. 


He walked back to his bedroom door and put his ear up against it.


As he was about to see what was going on, he heard the front door slam with a bang.

 He slowly opened his door and creeped to the stairs that had a decent view towards the living room. His mom had tears running down her face, obviously disheveled at their argument. It seems his step-dad had left. 

His real name was Austin, which is what he'll be referred as from now on. He had small moments where he thought, she brought this on herself. Every time they move to a new place what happens? They settle in, then she invites austin once then twice then its basically his second home, all because hes the father for one of his siblings. Clothes of his in a drawer. Cooking food. Then they move back in with him and eventually something happens, they get in a bad fight and the cycle repeats. Jordan snaps back into reality, going downstairs into the living room to check on his mom.

 She has bags under her eyes with tears streaking her face. He hated seeing his mom like this, he wanted to punch, beat, and even murder Austin. 

A little much? Jordan disagrees. 

He still remembers when Austin laid his hands on his mom clear as day. 


 He clenched his hands in anger as he thought about it, he grew anger as he thought of all the times its happened over the course of the years.


He snapped back into reality once again.

 His mom had swiped her tears but it was still prevalent since she had cried just minutes before. She looked at james and said "Look, I know Austin and I just got into an argument but nothing happened to me. See im fine!" To prove her point, she put on a small smile and brought out her arms as if she was going for a hug. 

"Not yet at least." he whispered under his breath. "Excuse me?" She questioned, not hearing what he said. He shook his head and looked away from her. "If you say so.." she spoke, "but are you doing okay? I noticed you day dreaming a lot recently. If something bothering you, just tell me" She gave him a look of concern but he just dismissed it. "Im fine, sorry for concerning you" he looked into his mothers eyes and gave a tiny smile, so small he wasn't even sure if he even moved a muscle but it seems he did as she gave a nod and walked up into her bedroom. It was 7:46 pm at the moment and he was starving.

 He decided on just heating up some instant ramen. He grabbed the packet and his bowl, setting it on the counter. He removed the seasoning packet then dumped the instant ramen into the bowl. He added water into the bowl about half way then putting it in the microwave for 3 minutes. As his food heated up, he look at his phone for any messages. 

Haha, thats actually funny for him to think that. 

Its summer time and at school he really on had one best friend that he always consistently talked to. Yeah he had other friends but they didn't really text him alot. His name was Benjamin and they had this connection that made them instantly click. Speaking of instant, his ramen was ready with the sound of the microwave beeping. 

He quickly took the bowl out and placing it onto the counter. He grabbed the seasoning packet, chicken flavor, and put it into his bowl. He walked to one of the kitchen drawers and grabbed a fork and stirred the noodles and seasoning together. He placed his bowl of ramen on the table along with his phone.


He got a message. He checked and it was just his mom asking him to heat her up one hot dog. He heated up two hot dogs along with a glass of minute maid. 

Okay now he can eat! He sat down eating peacefully while watching YouTube, more specifically, Kurtis Conner. He started watching him about a couple weeks ago and enjoyed his content. Sooner than later, he finished his food, washing his dish. He walked upstairs, peaking into his moms room to see if she was done eating. She ate both of hotdogs, he wasn't sure if she was trying to stave herself but that wasn't going to happen. "Is it fine if i take your plate and glass?" He asked her, " Yeah good ahead." He took them downstairs and washed them.

 It was currently 8:12 pm and he had nothing to do so he cleaned up a bit. Well maybe more than a bit because its currently 8:56. He looked at the kitchen and living room, it being pretty clean. He went back upstairs and folded the clothes on his bed, throwing away his water bottles and began to start his shower.

 He grabbed his towel and underwear tonthe restroom and took his shower. The hot water burning his skin in a way that was pleasant, he felt the need to just melt but that wasn't humanly possible. He scrubbed himself and once clean, got out the shower. Dried himself off and Changed into his PJs which was a white tank and pants that were baggy. 

He checked his phone again, 9:24 pm. He went to his moms room and told her good night, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He went back into his room, closing the door. He climbed into his bed and plugged his phone up. Usually he would've stayed up a bit longer but was tired so he went asleep right then and there.

_______________ <3

Note: I was bored so yeah 👍

Currently listening to romantic homicide by d4vd and a couple more of his songs. It's so jammy and it's 4:57 am rn so that nice lol.

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