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Reason #10

Because you're dead.

You left me.

You left me alone in this cruel world.

I thought we'd end up together after graduation because I'd have the balls to ask you out again.

But here you were.

A mere memory now.

I stare down at the list of the reason why you couldn't love me. I sobbed.

I sobbed harder and harder cause I was not there for you.

I hadn't been present in the time of need.

You couldn't find safety through me.

Instead you found safety in death.

Anger, sadness, pain, and grief surged when I read your reasons.

I would've loved you regardless.

You're not a whore, you're not pathetic.

You're my sunshine.

And now that you are gone in feels as if I've been plunged into Darkness.

I loved you so much, and you've left me.

I was angry, so angry I punched Jay till he couldn't move the other day.

But I couldn't feel happy because you were no longer here .

I would no longer be able to see that smile.

And just like you I wish I could've kissed you.

I wish I could've hugged you

I would've married you one day.

But now I cannot

Because you are dead.

And I am not.

You were my sunshine

You were my world.

My darling

My happiness

My joy

My pride

My first and only love

But now you were gone.

You've became a memory which I cherish more than my own life.

So that's why...

I cannot love you Taehyung.

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