1) Find your negative thoughts.

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Right. Many of us always think :
No I can't do this.
I'm really bad at it.
I am not ready! I won't ever be !
And so on.. Really? What is the worst that can happen? The people will tease you? They won't when they know how amazing you are. Become self aware. Target these thoughts and get rid of them. Fill that space in your mind with positive thoughts. Here is an activity which you might have heard many times ; but still it is worth it.
Achievement jar
Take a jar.
Everyday at night take a good thing that has happened today and write it on a chit.
Fold it and put it in the jar.
Whenever you feel depressed,just think about hose good moments.

I'm sure this will help.
Take some time to think about which people in your life really make you feel great. Make a goal to spend more time with people who are supportive and uplifting. Someone you call a friend may actually make you feel bad, if they constantly make negative remarks, or criticize you.
Just leave these critics.
They won't do you any good. Not at all.
Avoid spending time around things that can make you feel bad about yourself. you may not be able to get rid of every negative source in your life, you can certainly think about how to cut your losses. This will go a long way in building your self-confidence up.

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