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The stage is now set on Paleoterra, the artificial island that houses the
ExtiGen Sanctuary.
Meanwhile, a large boat docks at the island. "Thanks for the ride!" zoologist Dr. Dan  exclaimed. Dan looks at the main entrance and thinks: "This place is much bigger than i expected..."

After entering the main building, he is greeted by paleoecologist Dr. Jessica Michells.

"You're Dan, right?" she asks.

Dan responds: "Yeah, atleast i think so."

"Well, let's start the interview!" she responds back.

She then begins to read out the resume: "Okay, your resume says here:
Your mum is italian, but your dad is from Toronto, you are 24, you have a PHD in Zoology, (no suprise there), and you've already worked as Zookeeper before.."

"Yep, and 'mum'? I suppose youre british?" Dan asks.

"Yep. Anyways, let me give you a tour of the park. Jessica says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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