she gets protective over you (requested)

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"Thank you for such a great meal, Jihye. It was amazing." You said to your girlfriend as you exited the restaurant together, leaning over to kiss her cheek lovingly.

"My pleasure, sweet girl. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too." She said with a bright smile.

The car was parked a few blocks away from the restaurant as you and Jihye had been out for the day and started it out with a few little shops that were around there.

So you had a little walk but neither of you cared.

It was a beautiful night and there weren't many people out, or so you thought.

Because you only took a few more steps before you heard the all too familiar sound of cameras going off and hurried footsteps on the ground as the paparazzi quickly made their way over to where you and Jihye were.

"Oh, great." She said in annoyance. "So much for a peaceful walk to the car."

"Jihye, Y/N," They shouted. "Pose for some pictures for us!"

Jihye just rolled her eyes and continued walking with you as she tightened her grip on your hand and moved her feet faster against the sidewalk.

"Ignore them, baby. Just focus on me. Let's get to the car." She said as the paparazzi began to ask question after question.

You just brushed them off, trying to ignore the harsh word and the invasive questions and focus on Jihye only.

They continued to shout your name as well as Jihye's and they began to get closer; uncomfortably close.

And suddenly, someone was grabbing your arm before they stuck their camera directly in your face, nearly blinding you with the flashing lights as they snapped picture after picture.

You lost your balance and fell on the ground, scraping your hand and knee against the concrete.

"Baby, are you okay?" Jihye asked as she knelt on the ground beside you.

Once she saw the blood on your palm and your knee, she grew furious.

"How dare you!" She screamed at the guy who had made you fall. "Why can't you just leave us alone? Why can't you give us space and privacy?"

She helped you stand up and held you in her arms as you buried your face in her shirt.

"If you're going to follow us around and take our pictures constantly, the least you can do is give us a little space! Now my girlfriend is injured and I'm very angry about it!"

She was practically yelling at the guy, the words falling from her lips in pure anger and frustration.

"You make my girlfriend uncomfortable to begin with but then you grab her arm and throw your camera in her face? What the hell is wrong with you!? Don't you ever do that to her again!"

She rubbed your back in comfort as a heavy sigh left her lips.

"Just leave us be. Let us get to our car. Move out of our way!"

The paparazzi took a few steps back and Jihye guided you down the streets until you finally reached the car.

She opened the door and helped you in before getting into the driver's seat.

"Are you okay, baby? Let me see your hand."

You gave her your hand and she looked at it, noticing the blood and dirt inside of the scrape.

"We'll clean it when we get home. Will you be alright?"

"I'm okay, Jihye. Thanks to you."

She smiled a little as she caressed your cheek.

"I'm so sorry that happened."

"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. You protected me and stood up for me and that means a lot."

"No one messes with my girl. No one." She said and you smiled a little before kissing her cheek.

"Can we go home?"

"Of course. We'll clean your leg and hand and then we'll cuddle."

"I'd like that."

She smiled and made sure you were both buckled up before she drove away, leaving the paparazzi behind as you made your way home together.

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