⭐Chapter 1: The First Day⭐

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Aubrey Point Of View:

My best friend Ellen and I walked into the arena where the WWE is holding raw tonight. And I am basically a nervous wreck right now, I literally feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest and I think Ellen could hear it to because she asked me "are you nervous?".

"No" I say. But Ellen has been my best friend since kindergarten. She knows me better than I know myself. She gave me the 'are you serious' look which could make me say the truth to practically anything.

"Alright fine, I'm terrified" I said.

"You are going to do fine my beautiful rose you were meant to do this" Ellen said with a sincere smile.

Ellen sure did know how to make someone feel better whether it was from her nice compliments to her just flashing one of her smiles.

I smiled.

"Your right thanks my gentle sunflower" I said giving her hug.

"Your welcome" Ellen said.

Ellen and I continued to walk down the hallway until we got stopped by my boss Stephanie McMahon.

"Why hello Aubrey and who is this beautiful young lady ?" Stephanie asked.

"Oh this is my best friend Ellen she is just here for moral support" I said.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Ellen" Stephanie said holding out her hand.

"You too Miss. Mcmahon" Ellen said shaking her hand.

They released from their handshake and smiled.

"Well Aubrey I actually need to discuss some personal business with you" Stephanie said.

"Oh well um Ellen could you take my stuff to the divas locker room ?" I asked.

"I have no idea where that place is" Ellen said.

"Oh I could find someone to help you umm.. oh.. Joseph come here please" Stephanie said. A man with a headset and a hat on walked over to us.

"Could you please show this nice lady to the divas locker room please ?" Stephanie said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am, come on young lady" The man said grabbing my suitcases and he started to walk while Ellen followed.

"Now that that's settled follow me to my office" Stephanie said with a smile.

When Stephanie and I got to her she unlocked the door and let me in. I took a seat.

"So Aubrey as you know your going to make your debut tonight but there has been a change in plans" Stephanie said.

"How so ?" I asked.

"Well instead of you having a singles match with Nikki Bella, I want Paige to have a match with Nikki for the divas title but towards the end, Brie and Nikki use twin magic and they win the match. But do to anger Paige attacks both of the Bella's and gets the upper hand and start to attack Paige but you come in for the save but when the Bella's leave and Paige is still in the ring with the divas title that's when you do your finisher and you grab the divas title" Stephanie said.

"So basically you're putting me in the title picture ?" I asked.

"Yeah I feel as though you deserve it" Stephanie said with a smile.

I smiled. It meant a lot to me that Stephanie has that much trust to put me in a title picture so fast.

"Thanks Steph" I said with a smile.

"Anytime but I think you should go check up on your friend Ellen" Stephanie said.

"Yeah thanks again Steph" I said before leaving.

When I got to the divas locker room I saw Ellen sitting in the fetal position with her head down.

"Ellen are you okay ?" I asked.

Ellen looked at me really quick and stood up.

"No all of those girls in there asked me questions that I didn't want to answer and I'm talking about the personal questions" Ellen said.

"Aw your going to be fine but I need to get ready for tonight so come on" I said grabbing Ellen and forcefully pulling her back into the locker room.

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