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When watching the tapes:

Bold words are words spoken

Italicized words are actions done

Underlined words are the setting of the scene

Colby pov

I woke up to Jake shaking me awake. It was like 4 pm. I felt much better, though. "Hey man," he said.


"It's 4, Tara and I are gonna get food in like an hour. You've been sleeping for a while. So I figured I would give you a heads up on food. Also I left you a pair of my clothes."

"Oh, thanks, man," I said. "Did uh- you find anything for the tapes?" I asked. My mind was still just waking up. But the tapes were the first thing it went to. I needed to take in everything Jake just told me.

"Oh yeah, I called a guy, and he said he had one that we could just have. He was near us, so he just came and dropped it off like 2 hours ago. So it's out here on the kitchen table if you need it."

"K thanks man" I said. I felt another relief pass through me. I guess for some reason, this was hella important to me.

"Yeah, no problem," He said. He left the room, shutting the door. I grabbed the clothes he had and went to the bathroom connected to this room. Cool. I took off my clothes and got into the shower.

_ _ _ _

I looked at myself in the mirror. With the clothes that I had borrowed from Jake. Surprisingly, they actually fit pretty well. And I looked better. And felt better. Jake was right. I really did need that nap. I feel so much better. I went out of the room.

Jake was sitting on the couch when I went out. Tara is sitting next to him.

"Hey," They both said scattered.

"Hey." I said, I grabbed the thing which I guess was a VHS player. "I'm just gonna take this to learn how to use it." I said. Jake looked back to see what I was talking about. Then, he looked back at his phone.

"Okay." He said. I took it to the room I slept in, placing it on the bed. I grabbed my phone and remembered I didn't call Kat back. Shit. Well, I should do it before I watch these tapes. I tried to call Kat but she didn't answer. I- well, there's nothing I can do about her not answering. She must be sleeping or something.

I looked up a video on YouTube on how to work these things when I heard a knock on the door. "Hey, need any help?" Jake said, letting himself in.

"Uh yeah, I guess," I said, "you could get out all of the tapes while I find a video on how to work this."

"I mean, I can, but I thought it came with a guide on how to hook it up and stuff." He said.

I looked up. "It did?"

"Yeah, I thought the guy like put it here or something."

"Oh," I said, I looked at it. I lifted it up to see a paper underneath it. "Here we go." I grabbed it. I opened it up. And got started.

Both Jake and I plugged in the last few things. The guide had been very simple and easy to follow. We moved to the front room of the house. Since it had a TV. I plugged in the last plug we were told to do and backed up. Tara had ordered all of the tapes since they had dates on them. So we would be able to play them all in order easily.

"Where's the TV remote?" I asked.

"Lemme grab it." Jake ran behind the couch, grabbed it, and jumped back over the back of the couch, bouncing a little. He threw the remote to me. It fell on the ground. I grabbed it and turned on the TV. Then, I turned it to the right connection to the VHS player.

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