Chapter 22: Deer Pack Final Part

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                   Emma Point Of View                                                                                                                                                                            It was in the morning when I woke up, Noah was still asleep and had his arms wrap around me, Liam was in his office taking care of paper work for Alexis and Madison so they could travel back to their land. I tried to get out of Noah grip and he told me to that it wasn't time to get up, I told him that I need to make us breakfast and I need to get packing Madison items together, he turn me around and gave me a kiss and told me he would be down. I went to the bathroom and got dress in blue jean, black tang top and black boots. I got to the kitchen and Toby was in the kitchen holding  Madison," Toby do you need anything," yes I'm trying to find Madison bottle," Madison bottles are in the cupboard by the fridge and the formula is in the fridge," thank you do you want to hold Madison," yes."                                                                                               He hand me Madison and she smile right at me, I knew when they leave tomorrow that I would miss this little girl, but I knew that her father love her and would take good care of her. I change how I held her so I could get breakfast started for everyone. I just got everything out when Toby got Madison bottle done, he took her and went into the living room to feed her. I was half way through making the bacon when Noah came in and hug me from behind.                                       "Emma are you ok," yes just upset but I'll heal," we all are here for you ," I know is Liam almost done," yes he going to be down for breakfast and then we have a pack issue we have to deal with," ok do you want me to bring you guys lunch," yes but you don't have to," I don't mind bring you guys lunch, beside I going to make the whole pack lunch to," ok but don't over do it," I won't," ok  I'm going to get Liam so we can eat," ok."                                                                                                    I got the food on the table with help and sat down, Liam came over and gave me a hug and a kiss and he sat down next to me and put food on my plate when I told him that I could get my own plate. I told Toby that he could join us for breakfast that I made enough for Eric and him, he ask if I wanted to hold Madison, I said yes. Madison snuggle right into my arms and fell right asleep. I ate with my one arm and Toby ask how Madison fell asleep like that, I told him I wasn't quick sure. We all got done eating I hand Madison back to Toby so he could get her change and I could get busy. I help clean up breakfast plate and put the rest of the food that was left so other people could enjoy the left over. The maids said that they would do the dishes so I went up to Madison nursery and got her diaper bag out so I could start packing her items, I went into her bathroom and got all of her bath items so I could put it in the diaper bags, I went back into the room and started to put the items in the diaper bag when Toby enter the room, I could tell he wanted to talk to me so I stop pack and said we could go into my office and I ask if he wanted me to get Liam or Noah and he said that they didn't need to be there. I guided him into my office and told him to take a seat and I sat behind my desk. "Toby what the matter, and don't tell me nothing wrong because I can tell there something bothering you," I'm worrying about raising Madison by myself," you will have your pack to help you and we will be checking in on you guys and will come up to visit you guys, you will be great father and who know you might a second chance mate out there," how can you tell that I'm going to great father," because you are worry about raising Madison," I better let you get back to work, we are leaving late at night," where are you guys locate at," Washington D.C, it will take about two days to get home," do you need a car seat for Madison," yes that the only thing I don't have for her," ok I'll get it ready for you," thank you so much for looking out for Madison," I came to love Madison," I'll not take Madison from you guys,"  we know that, I'll let you get back to work."                                                                                                  I went back into Madison nursery to finish packing, I got done packing Madison diaper bag and the started on her clothes. I was half way through packing her clothes when I noticed that it was getting time to start lunch. I went into the kitchen  and made taco salad for everyone. Liam came in and ask me to bring lunch into the office and he told me to eat with them, I told him as soon I was finish lunch that I would up and he said ok. I got lunch done for the pack and set a bowl of taco salad and plates and then grab the other taco salad and took into Liam and Noah office. I knock on the door and Liam open up the door and grab the plates and sliver ware off me and Noah grab the food and sat it one the desk. Noah and Liam sat next to me as we ate, I got up to clean up and they pull me back down.( you can you your own imagination for what happen, I don't do smut.)                                                                                                                                                                                  I took the plate and the taco salad down to the kitchen, I put the taco salad in the fridge for dinner and went back up to Madison nursery to finish packing.

  Two Hour Later                                                                                                                                                                                  I got everything pack and the maids up me load into Eric car, we got everything in when Toby came in and ask if I want to hold Madison, as I took her Noah and Liam came in and snap a picture of us together. Liam and Noah gave Madison a hug and said that we would see her soon and that we loved her. Toby got Madison load into the car seat and they left, I want to run and take Madison back out of the car and knew that I couldn't take her away from her father.

     We got inside and Liam carried me to our room and let me cried until I fell asleep on them. I got up and Liam and Noah was holding me, I knew there was no way that I was getting out of their hold, which I was fine with. Beth came in and ask if I need anything and I said not right now, I told her to go and spend time with her family, she told me that if I need anything to call her and I told her I would.

I'll update as soon I can, I'll not be writing any smut so don't even ask me to, have a good week and Happy Father day






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