The night where thing head to lust

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(Later that night)

Narrator's PoV: It's late and everyone is passed out drunk. Except me and Eddie. He was walking towards me stumbling. And the only thing he said was...

Eddie: Follow me Grant.

Narrator: Okay

( Narrator follows Eddie to the guest room)

Narrator: Eddie... there's something I have to tell you. I think-

(Before Narrator could finish what he was about to say. Eddie kissed him.)

Eddie: Grant... I love you. And I want you. Please.

(Narrator was speechless.)

Narrator: But.. Eddie. What about Gabby... your wife. A-and Lindsey... my fiancé. We're both in a relationship already.

Eddie: I know. But I couldn't stop thinking about you. Your body. Your cock. Please Grant. I need you... inside of me. I can't wait any longer.

Narrator: Eddie we're both drunk. Maybe we just need to sleep this off.

(As Narrator tries to walk away. Eddie grabs his hand and plead for him to stay.)

Eddie: Please... don't go.

(Narrator thought for a moment. And then he made his decision.)

Narrator: ...Fine. Let's have fun.

Friends to Lust (Narrator x Eddie)Where stories live. Discover now