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I drag my feet across the cold floor, making my way to the kitchen. Going straight for the coffee machine, I press the espresso button, waiting for the aroma to inflate my lungs. I take a quick look at my watch, deciding I do not have time for breakfast this morning. I will need to have a bite later.

Finishing the last sip of coffee, I wash up the cup, making sure to return it to its rightful place. Keys in hand, I head down to one of my ordinary work cars, deliberately wanting not to attract unnecessary attention today. I start the engine and drive off towards the Royal Roader. My mission was to find out more about its owner, Harry Wilde.

I park in front of the imposing building where a lot of illegal activities are taking place. Entering the casino, even though it was still early, I could notice there were quite some people gambling away their future and dreams. One of the waiters who was handing chips approached me.

"Good morning, sir. Is there anything I can assist you with?" He asks me politely.

"I am here to see Harry Wilde. I understood he is the owner of this place." I say to him, my look reflecting the boredom that I was feeling.

"I am afraid he is not present at this moment, but I can arrange for you to meet with Ross Trautvein, which is one of our most important stakeholders. Please take the elevator down the hall and go to the 10th floor. I will let him know you are here to see him."

"Thanks." I reply unfazed and head in the direction of the elevator.

I notice the silhouette of man already inside and I hurry my pace when I notice that the doors are closing. I push my hand in between the doors last second as the other man panics and start pushing the open button repeatedly.

"Sorry, didn't see you coming. Hope you did not hurt your hand." He says and I brush him off quickly.

"No problem." I take in his appearance for a moment. Well built, blue plaid shirt, washed-out jeans, and cheap snickers. His hair was jet black and his face had an interesting twist to it. One side of it looked like a softie while the other one screamed straight up thug. Nonetheless, he looked quite handsome. Focus, Jake.

We were on the 5th floor when it happened. I heard a loud thud and suddenly the elevator stopped all together.

"What was that?" the guy asked, and I could detect the worry in his tone.

"Most likely just a malfunction. Someone probably should be here soon to fix it." I reply nonchalantly while pressing the emergency button. Sighing loudly, I bring my hand to my forehead and over my eyes. This is definitely not how I wanted to spend my morning. I take out my phone and start scrolling until I hear the other guy speaking.

"Um... how long do you think it would take them to fix?" what was wrong with him.

"I don't know. Why, do I seem like elevator maintenance to you?" I say raising my brow and smirking at him.

"No, but just so you know, I'm claustrophobic." This was the last thing he managed to say before the guy starts sinking down slowly, first in a squat, then full on his ass, hugging his knees tight.

You've got to be kidding me. Not only was I stuck in this elevator for who knows how long, I also had to take care of this guy who looked like he would faint any time now.

"Good morning gentlemen. This is Royal Roader. We have acknowledged your situation, a rescue team will be here shortly. We will keep you informed through this speaker. Please forgive us for the inconvenience created."

They'd better be here, I think as I take a look at the other guy who started hyperventilating. Letting out a loud sigh, I get down on one foot next to him and put my hand on his knees trying to force them open a little.

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