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(👾<-that emoji means it's subscriber emojis)

Nadia woke up checking the time on her phone, she noticed it was getting closer to the time she and Fanum were supposed to meet up so she quickly got out of bed and began to get ready.


Nadia put on black biker shorts, a black 2pac shirt, and panda dunks high, she put on her favorite perfume before grabbing her purse and putting her $20 inside, her vape, credit card, and phone charger, she grabbed her keys off her bedroom wall and left her room heading towards her car.


Nadia arrived at the place and her jaw dropped, it was much bigger than the videos and pictures she saw of it, she made her way towards the door and as she got ready to knock on the door someone opened the door, he was a short man with dreads and tattoos, she was a bit taller than him which made her slightly laugh.

"Yo, you're Nadia right?" He asked her.

"Yes, and you are?" She asked.

"Oh yeah right, I'm Kai." He said holding out his hand which she took and shook it.

"Come in, Fanum should be up in his room, he streaming right now," Kai said stepping aside so she could walk in.

Nadia looked around before Kai caught her attention leading her toward Fanum's room with a sly smirk, he left after they reached their destination.

She stood in front of the door before knocking, to which Fanum said the door was open, she pushed the door up and saw a shocked expression on his face before becoming calm again.

"So why didn't you text me that you were outside?" He asked standing up and walking over to her.

"I did but it just didn't send yet," Nadia said as Fanum shook her hand.

"Yo chat we got Nadia in the mother fucking building!" Fanum said pulling up a chair and sitting on it while Nadia took the chair he was previously sitting on.

"Hey chat, I notice some of my viewers are in here too," Nadia said smiling and waving at the camera.

👾Nadiasfann: OMG y'all finally linked😧

Mediaboss: yess finally

👾Kingsnakcleg: my fav streamers together

Monticolous: wtf🤨

👾fanumsfan: WANUM

"Yeah we finally collabed and shit, so what we finna do?" Fanum asked turning to her while hitting his bottom lip.

"I don't know what we can do, to be honest, how about rating each other members?" Nadia asked while adjusting her glasses.

"Ight bet, yours first or mine?" Fanum asked as he opened up Instagram on his monitor.

"Mine first," Nadia replied leaning forward slightly.

"Ok y'all, first up is Yana," Fanum said as Nadia looked over at him.

"Ok wait, so who's the oldest in the group?" Fanum asked her.

"Yana, she's twenty-six, but I'll go down the list from oldest to youngest," Nada replied.

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