Chapter 1

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[25 months earlier]

"Good afternoon South Michigan High! As i am sure you are all aware: next week Wednesday, Thursday; Friday is final exams so—"
A loud chatter in the hallways over bears the crackly announcements as students begin to cheerfully exit the front doors. "—have a wonderful weekend, and study hard!"
A staticky beep signals the end of the announcements.

"Jaque! Jaque! Jaquieee– Jaqueline!" I hear from behind me as a quick pitter patter of footsteps approaches me. "Jaqu–" "–Alright, alright, I hear you." i say, smirking, while turning around to face the approaching voice.
"You do know i'll see you on the bus in less than a minute, right Ana?" "Yeahh," she sings, "but you know i like to walk out with you." Hearing her say this makes me smile.

  Ana is my closest and best friend. I've known her since second grade and we are like sisters, her and I.

"are you still coming over? my mom said she doesn't care. you asked, right?" "yeah, i can. and when we get there can we make food? i'm starving." "yup! whatcha in the mood for? we got mac and cheese, uh..." there is a long pause before Ana continues her list. "yeah that's about it, mom hasn't gone shopping yet so we're a little out of stock right now," she says in a chuckle.

stepping onto the bus, something catches my eye. "brooo." i say, in a long, annoyed complaint. "what's wrong?" Ana asks, bumping into me as i stop. "super tits is in our seat again." "AGAIN?? bruh can't she find her own place to sit, it's actually getting annoying." "tell me about it," i respond, glaring at the girl in my seat.
i widen my eyes and raise my eyebrows. "hey, do you think we could take that seat from you Bella? we were hoping to sit by our friends." i politely ask, in a high-pitched, customer-servicey voice. She looks up, probably a little annoyed, though she doesn't show it. "i mean yeah i guess, can't you just sit in that one?" she points to the one across the isle. neither Ana nor i respond. "fine." she mutters, this time, clearly bothered. Ana and i plop down as if nothing happened and talk to Fia and Taylor, whom are sitting in the seat in front of ours.

Taylor, who is in the isle seat, spins around to face us, only to hear the bus driver yell "please sit down" from the front, and ignore her. She ignores him back, starts the bus, and we are on the way home.
from the seat in front of us, or, next to Taylor, i hear an excited squeal.,"i am so excited for summer!" Fia exclaims, after realizing we're peeking at her. She was shopping for bathing suits online. this sparks our conversation about school ending, which fills up the rest of the bus ride.
"cya guys monday!" i say, which is met with an exchange of waves and goodbyes.

"when's your last day at the shop?" Ana questions. "think i just got today and tomorrow" "yes! then you're free for the summer, right?" i shake my head yes, and a grin appears on Ana's face.

A couple of hours later, i walk home to get ready for work.
Ana's family is pretty well off, mine on the other hand, well, we're just doing alright. We're not like dirt poor or anything. We can afford food, cars, bills, phones, all that. But my parents struggle to keep up the money for some things, like big vacations, or if they were to buy me or my siblings a car.
I'm the second oldest child of four. My oldest sibling, my brother, who's about to go to college (also hardly able to be funded by our parents), is Kaylor. Then there's me, then my other brother, who's in 8th grade, Jesse, and then my baby sister, Fiona, who's going to be in second grade next year.

I'm semi-close to Kaylor. he's usually my go-to when i need a ride, a favor, or anything else that could slightly hinder his day.
Jesse, is who i'd say i'm most close to, as he's only a year younger than me. unfortunately he's in the stage of his life where he's "too cool" to be friends with his sister. well, not publicly at least. when we were younger however, we used to be tied at the hip. in fact we never did anything without each other.
Fiona... well let's just say she's a bigger fan of mine than i am hers.

Changing out of my cute school clothes, i climb into my work jeans and company shirt, and go to bother Kaylor for a ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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