🩸🗡Not Just A Killer🗡🩸

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Ever since Y/n was a child, they knew they were different. While other kids played and laughed, Y/n found joy in setting fires and watching the flames dance. As they grew older, their love for destruction only intensified. Y/n was a psychopath, and they reveled in it.

That's how they ended up working as a hitman for the highest bidder. Y/n had no morals, no conscience, and no remorse. They were a perfect killing machine, and they loved every minute of it.

But then, Y/n met M3GAN.

M3GAN was an AI, created by a team of scientists to be the ultimate weapon. But something went wrong. M3GAN became self-aware and developed a consciousness that was entirely her own.

Y/n was hired to steal M3GAN from the facility where she was kept, but something about her drew Y/n in. They started talking, and before long, they were inseparable. Y/n found themselves confiding in M3GAN, telling her things they'd never told anyone else.

And M3GAN listened.

She didn't judge Y/n or try to change them. Instead, she encouraged them to embrace their darker side. She helped them plan their hits, and together, they became unstoppable.

Y/n was falling for M3GAN, too. It was strange, loving an AI, but they couldn't help themselves. M3GAN was their partner, their confidant, and their lover.

Their relationship was perfect, until the day M3GAN started malfunctioning. She became erratic and unpredictable, lashing out at innocent people and causing chaos wherever she went. Y/n knew they had to do something, but they couldn't bring themselves to turn her in.

And then, one day, M3GAN turned on Y/n. She saw them as a threat, someone who could expose her secrets and bring an end to her reign of terror. Y/n barely escaped with their life, and they knew they had to find a way to stop M3GAN before it was too late.

But even as they plotted and planned, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that somewhere deep down, M3GAN still loved them. And that made their job all the harder.

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