Cousinship, Bragging and Chillin

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****The Next Morning****

Marcus (roc's cousin) took Prodigy to the airport safely so he could go see his parents in philly. Ray thought about leaving to go to atlanta to see star but both him and prod's abscence would be too suspicious so he stayed behind and wanted star to come see him instead. She didn't feel like coming anytime soon unless it was something special so they decided to cam up on facetime. 

****Raynique on Facetime*****

Ray: Rise and shine sleepy head.

Star: *yawns* Hey baby.

Ray: Gurrrrl you lookin a  HOT mess. What happened?

Star: Ummm, last night we had a studio party.

Ray: Wait WHO, Hold up....WHO?

Star: *giggles* It wasn't THAT type of party. We just invited close family and some friends over *shrugs* that's all. We had pizza, cake, and watched some ole movies after rehearsal.

Ray: Ohhh ok.

Star: Oh and as you can see,*fluffs hair*  I forgot to do my hair.

Ray: *chuckles aloud* YEEEEEAAAAA I was wonderin that. Cuz I know star baby likes to keep her hair lookin good, but what's goin on?

Star: *giggles* I was just too tired to do it, so don't judge me. 

Ray: *throws up hands* Heyyyyy no judgements here. I still find you attractive. *stares at star thru the screen*

Star smiles and stares back at ray while twisting strands of hair.

***At School***

Lisa's POV in her Sociology Class

Mr. Zayn: Ok class, today we are going to be focusing on the family. Specifically, we're going to discuss and learn about cousinship. Now who can tell me what the term "cousinship" mean?

Just then the perfect blonde know-it-all raises her hand as usual.

Alexandria: MEEEEEEE!!!! Mr. Zayn.

Mr. Z: *chuckles and sits on his desk* Ok, take it away Miss Alexan-dree-uh.

Alex: Cousinship is a noun, and it means the state of being cousins through the relationship by blood. Also known as cousinhood.

Mr. Z: That is correct!

Alex smiles proudly while flashing her million dollar pearls.

Mr. Z leaps from off his desk and walks towards the front of the classroom to the dry erase board to write questions for us and what we should think about when reading and discussing our topics for today's class. Mr. Z finishes writing our questions and turns to face the class.

Mr. Z: The questions you should be focusing on are: What makes a cousin? Is it through marriage or by blood? Is it both and why? And the "degrees" and "removals" that are used in the english-speaking world reguarding the relationship between two cousins in the broad sense and the ancestors that they share in common. Who would like to start us off by reading in our textbooks?

Students shot their hands up, waving them quickly from side to side and shouting: OOOOO MR. ZAYN PICK ME. MR. ZAYN PLEASE PICK ME!!!!

Mr. Z: Ok, Alexandria, you may start reading on the top of page 153 please.

Alex: *proudly* Thank you.

Class sucks teeth and groans loudly in disappointment.

Alex was our "Miss Perfect" of the class. She think she's SO perfect with her barbie color hair, preppy clothes, perfectly white teeth and gorgeous smile. UGH. She really grinds my gears. Plus she's popular AND rich. How's that for being typical. Plus I heard she has a crush on  Mr. Zayn.

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