☆ Chapter 21

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21 : Trip to Tommorow


You were a bit surprised by Scaramouches sudden action of holding your hand. You look at him with a look of shock on your face. He starts to get worried if he did anything wrong to you.

"Did I do something?"

"Nono, to think about it, its been atleast 2 months since we met."

"It may not seem like much, but we have come a bit far." You smile.

Scaramouche starts to blush seeing you smile, to think that he was just a random waiter flirting with you. And now, hes your partner. Your special someone. Then Scaramouches soft smile starts to creep up on his face.

"Im glad you went to that restaurant, and im glad I flirted with you, and im also glad Bsf/n made a move for us."

"Yeah even though it was embarrassing!"

"Do you know how many of my relatives were watching?! Im literally gonna be the joke of Christmas this year!"

Scaramouche lightly chuckles at your comment.

"Well then, why dont you take me with you on Christmas? Im sure my mothers will be happy to see yours." He smirks.

"You better not be doing anything stupid then!"

"Me? Doing anything stupid? Please."

He just laughed at you while you were in your misery being embarassed about your first meeting with scaramouche , not to mention Christmas is only 2 months away from now. The waiter serves your orders at the table and its time to eat. You and Scaramouche ended up chatting about yourselves the whole time while eating your dishes.

You and scaramouche both finished your meals. Of course you insisted to pay but he was all like "Oh this was supposed to be my treat so im paying.". Then he took you home and insisted you and him have a sleepover. Except, you had to invite friends. You ended up inviting Childe and Xiao along with Bsf/n since you were close with them.

(I had to make the dinner reallyquick i dont know how to write dinner dates.)


You woke up earlier than usual today, 3am to be exact. No, not because someone is watching you, because your field trip for school starts at 5am. You went to your bathroom to brush your teath and brush your hair, then took a cold shower. You got done showering and wore the set of clothes you picked out for the field trip.

(If you dont like the clothes im putting out for you, wear whatever. It's not relevant to the story anyway.)


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