Chapter 2

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Kiera's POV

While I was listening to my other classmates introduce themselves, it was the guy from earlier's turn. I was really interested to know his name while he was walking to the center. I giggled because of his necktie "Does he not like wearing his necktie"? I thought as the boy began to speak, "Hello everyone, my name is Xavier Zan Cincaid, and my hobby is playing volleyball." He said coldly, "Ah, his name is cool, and jeez, he looks like he doesn't want to be friends with anyone." I thought as the teacher suddenly said, "Mr. Cincaid, what's wrong with your necktie?" The entire class laughed, "He looks so weird." Abby spoke to me, "I know, maybe he doesn't like the necktie or he's not used to wear a necktie."I giggled then I looked at Xavier he was scratching his head "poor guy he must be embarrassed" I thought then teacher spoke " mr cincaid thank you you can go back to your seat now" as I watch him go back to his seat.

"I know this is going to be an amazing year," I said to myself.


It's been a month now, and I got along pretty well with some of my classmates, but I'm still struggling to interact with some of them. I made a small friend group of four, and they're amazing. Then the teacher suddenly told us that were gonna have a meeting and all of my classmates sat on our assign seats then she suddenly spoke " good evening class i have an announcement" she spoke " im curious" deny said, Deny Alfonso shes one of my friends and one of the most beautiful girl in our room if i was not straight I would've date this girl I laughed " it must be a upcoming program or something" i said focuses back to the teacher "this is a program about sports this upcoming weeks and if you want to join come here in and sign your name in this paper" the teacher said and one of my classmates raise his hand and ask " what kind of sports ma'am?" " well we have badminton,table tennis,basketball,volleyball" the teacher said " ah should i try table tennis?" I thought " nah im just gonna chill with my friends plus im to lazy to play" I thought giggled at my laziness " theres gonna be a try out tomorrow" the teacher said

After the teacher left, I and my friends went outside for lunch. As we were settling down, Niña suddenly spoke, "So are you guys going to try out?" The three of us looked at each other and giggled. "No, it's tiresome to play sports." Abby spoke, "Yeah, she's right." Deny spoke, "If we don't want to play, we could just enjoy the event and we could watch our other classmates and we could cheer them." I said to them. Niña Villamor is one of the smartest people in our room and one of the people I admire because of her cheerful self. She's really smart, and you can easily trust her even though we just met each other not so long ago. Then suddenly Deny spoke, "Guys, I just discovered that Xavier is quite handsome," and I was confused because I forgot who that was. "Yeah, he's quiet handsome when he takes off his mask." Abby spoke, and then I remembered, "Xavier? Like the guy that always put his necktie at his back?" I said, "Yes, I would always ask for his perfume." Abby said, "He really smelled so good the time that I assisted him at our PE activity." I said, and then Niña said, "Really?"


6..... *pants*7......8*pants*.....9...10 i lay down in the mat and said " i hate this i hate set ups" my friends laugh " at least you did it" abby said while giggling "HA HA HA" i sarcastically laugh at her then i stand up and dust my self " we should proceed to the next step" Niña said " you guys go first ill rest a little bit" i said "ok well be over there" deny said while i was stretching someone tap my shoulder from the back when i turn around it was that weird necktie guy " can i help you?" I spoke " does anyone gonna use the mat?" He said " amm you can use that if you want i can assist you and ill be the one to write your paper" i nervously said " why am I nervous?" I thought "yes please" he said while smiling through the mask then he lay down at the mat and i get a pen to write his paper " ok you can start now" i said to him then he started hes set up then i got closer to him because he was doing it wrong i suddenly spoke to him that " dude dont move your hands" I accidentally touch his hand " OMG OMG the heck!" I thought totally not panicking " wait why am I panicking?" I wondered. I snapped out of my thoughts when he suddenly said, "Ah, I get it now. I'll start over again." The guy started the exercise and "damn this dude must be fit," I thought, then after he finished, "damn dude, 20 reps." I said in an amazed tone, "20 reps is not enough, but I'm too tired to go full, and thank you by the way." He smiled through the mask, then i watch him walked back to his friends. "Omg! It's so cute when his eyes squint while smiling, and he also smells good." I'm totally not fangirling in my thoughts.


I giggled at that memory. "Girl, you're like a crazy person who just laughs at nothing." Abby spoke, and all my friends laughed, and I joined them. "We should go now; we might be late at our next class." Niña said, "Yeah, we should go." Deny then said all of us pack our belongings.

To be continued

Character in this chapter:
Name: Xavier Zan Cincaid
Age: 17
(Its still not the right time to show his appearance huhu)

Name: Deny Alfonso
Age: 17

Name: Niña Villamor Age: 16

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Name: Niña Villamor
Age: 16

Name: Niña Villamor Age: 16

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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