final authors note

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Hi, the last chapter was the end of the book, and I wanted to tell you how thankful I am that you took the time to read my first-ever yunjin story.

I promise this will not be the last Yunjin story. I plan to continue writing for her (alongside karina) because she is my ult, so there will be more stories for her. And like last time, I am giving you guys the option to vote for the story that will come next, but I don't know when it will come, but I'll post it whenever I can.

Which ever one gets the most votes will be posted, till then i'll see u guys in my other stories.

just like romeo and juliet huh yunjin (male reader)

A romance that was just like Romeo and Juliet without the dying and the families hating each other. But more with how hard it is for you guys to be together in an industry like the one you two are in, despite the trials and tribulations, you guys will figure out how to make it work—going from childhood friends to colleagues to two people secretly in love and hiding your relationship from other people around you (except your members of course).

heartthrob: rivals huh yunjin (male reader)

Yunjin was the top in her school, had straight A's in all her classes, placed first in every sport she participated in, and won every singing competition her school participated in, but that all ended when you showed up. All it did was take you one week to ruin the image she had built for herself. She went from first to second place, and no matter how much she studied and worked hard, she could never beat you. What made it even worst, it looked like you didn't even care or even had to try when it came to getting A's or placing first in everything you did. She hated you, or so she thought.

echoes of silence huh yunjin (fem reader)

Y/N has only known the silence of spending her life alone with her parents dying and none of her family members wanting to take her in. She only knew the quietness of her surroundings, but when the transfer student from New York transferred into her class, she was met with a new noise and a fondness for life that she had never experienced until Huh Yunjin came into her life.

lovestruck cause of you huh yunjin (fem reader)

Famous actress Y/N has always been known for her fangirling, especially when it came to Le Sserafim's Jennifer Huh. When the two of them are put on a variety show together would Y/N's admiration become more than just a fan and idol, or will it remain the same?

love is war ✶ huh yunjinWhere stories live. Discover now