It will be Alright

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Time is cruel. It passes faster the happier you are. Sometimes I wished I could just stop time, but we always wish for the impossible, don't we?

The times Muru had been awake had became even less. It had gone down to less than a month now. I probably should have talked to her sooner. I wanted to talk to her sooner. Hell, I TRIED to talk to her sooner. But how? She was barely awake nowadays! The few times she was awake and I asked, she distracted me with other topics. And like that time just - flew by.

But today was the day. I was already sitting in the train. This time we were traveling south and Muru would soon wake up. She wanted to see the ocean. I wanted to see the ocean, too. I was excited. She had asked me last time to book that trip for her and already to start traveling while she would wake up during the way. I was okay with it. I hated leaving James and Argus. I wanted to go back to them. I wanted to spend time with Muru. I wanted them all.

You can't always get what you want, I guess. Sounds cool right? When I told Argus that while complaining about my unfair situation on having to split time between my mate and my human half he just smiled and answered "but if you try sometime, you'll find, you get what you need." At first I thought he was super wise - until James told me that it was a song by the rolling stones. So much to Argus being wise!

I watched the landscape fly by and imagined a little wolf running along it. Jumping from treetop to treetop. I smiled watching him. Every evening I would shift into a wolf and run around as well. I hoped that the cabin at the ocean we rented would be lonely enough so I could run along the shore at night. In imagined it being magical with the stars sparkling on the waves and the salty ocean breeze on my nose.

"Morning Ayla." I heard Muru's sleepy voice.

"Morning." I answered. I gave her a little time to wake up.

"Where are we?"

"Three more hours until we arrive."

Muru hummed happily.

"We need to talk." I said, determined. This time we would really talk. No distractions! Not this time, nu-uh! This time this would not happen. I had a secret weapon. I had made notes!

"Sure, what is it?" She yawned.

"You are more and more sleepy." I said.

"It is just so comfortable." She smiled. "You are doing so great. How was new years this year?"

"Don't change the topic!" I clutched my notes tighter.

"What is going on?" I demanded to know. "You are not trying to forgive him are you?"

She sighed.

"No." She admitted. "I was thinking about it for a moment, few years ago, but he destroyed my last bit of trust. I don't want to anymore."

"How did he destroy your trust?" I asked.

"At the café years ago. You were supposed to meet Jane..." She began.

"The picture incident." I whispered.

She nodded.

"Sooo, you will never forgive him? Are you just planning to sleep like forever or what?"

I could feel guilt from her.

"Wait, you do? Is that what you mean with you don't want to anymore?" I nearly screamed.

"It's alright." She tried to calm me down but I was having none of it.

"Is this what the spell actually does? Makes you more and more sleepy? I don't want that. You said it was so we can all be together. You said you give him a chance. He has changed you know? He put in so much work for you!"

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