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Age: y/n- 3
Yoongi -18
Jungkook -13

The shouts and cursing became more frequent and loud as the days passed by , it all started when y/n was 19 months old (1yr 7 months) seoyeon and hanjin started to ignore or you can say avoid the kids , they won't talk to them or evn if yoongi or jungkook came to them to tell them about parents meeting they alwys said they were busy , they evn stopped spending time with y/n as her nanny was also thier all the time y/n also didn't needed them but the thing is.........they started to enjoy by themselves. It was hanjin's bday just few days after the incident , yoongi and jungkook both planned a surprise dinner for the family with the help of house staff but ended up eating only the three of them as thier parents already came home from a candle night dinner and was too tired to accompany their kids on the table.

Yoongi pov
The changes in mom and dad's behaviour was something that cannot be ignored now, first it was just avoiding us and enjoying themselves but now it's becoming physically and mentally frustrating cause sometimes dad hits us when he is angry and verbal abuse is like a routine now. They don't evn think of y/n they curse and sometimes beat me and jungkook infront of her she just cries looking at us , it brokes my heart everytime I see tears in her eyes, I feel vulnerable that I am not able to protect my jungkook from that man I just told him whenever he sees dad is in a bad mood , not to come infront of him. But I just want to know when this will stop and the most important
Why did it strt? We were a happy family but now....

At the mansion

Yoongi pov
It was a normal day I woke up from the loud swearing coming from downstairs but suddenly I just had a urge to see who the person was swearing at as , I was sleeping and jungkook must have went to school by now. The scene I saw made my blood boil I saw y/n sitting on the floor crying while mom was forcing her to look at her while dad continued his cursing , i quickly went down and pulled y/n behind me how can our own parents do this to us....

"Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Her." Yoongi said to his mother , while she just smirked "she is our daughter you have no rights to tell us what to do with her" , his father stopped cursing and walked towards him and slapped him on his right cheek making it red , y/n got more scared and her hold around his waist become more tight as she strted to cry more loudly, his father was about to slap her, when yoongi hold his hand and pushed it away from her and held her in his arms. This made hanjin more angry he picked up a vase from side and smashed it on the ground yoongi stepped back and shouted "Enough Now! I held myself back till now but now it's enough , I don't know the reason behind why you both became like this but you guys don't have any rights ,evn if you are our parents, to beat or hurt us like this and okay putting me aside , don't you guys think about jungkook and y/n they are only 13 and 3 , for God sake STOP IT! Will you PLSS!?? he shouted at his parents , who were silent now but still giving him death glares. Hanjin was about to come towards them when seoyeon grabbed his hand and gave him a "leave-it-" face ,Yoongi took y/n to his room and locked the door so that they won't be able to come in to shout at them again. While y/n was still sobbing a little he held her and took her to bed and they both slept after sometime.


Jungkook pov
I came back from school , I came after 2hours from my school dispersal because I didn't wanted to come home , usually when I come back from school there is always dad and mom yelling and cursing so I just don't like to come to home now that's why I try to come as late as possible but today when I came inside it was all quiet there was no one except our housekeepers, I asked on of our maid where everyone is She told me that yoongi and y/n was in yoongi's room and mom and dad went outside. I felt relieved hearing that I quickly went to my room got changed and knocked on yoongi hyungs room , no one answered I knocked again but again no response so I just called him on his phone and told him to open the door , he opended the door and told me to be quiet as y/n was still sleeping. I saw tear stains on her cheeks and asked hyung what happened he told me everything that happened in the morning it made me angry too how can they touch my y/n!! I was angry about that but then he told me he alredy shouted at them so I should not think to much about it then Me and yoongi hyung went downstairs cause we both were hungry but we saw taht our housekeepers were too quiet and also looking nervous I was confused and told yoongi hyung he also noticed that and asked them what happened the manager of our staff Mr. Hwang came forward and handed him the letter they found from our parents room while one of the staff was cleaning there.

The letter said

"We both are now tired of this life , of taking care of you all and also tired of all the responsibilities. Now that yoongi is 18 and can also be the guardian, we want to live our life and make OUR dreams come true , we were not able to enjoy ourselves after you guys were born we were alwys just tensed about you guys and put aside our happiness for you but now we can't. We can't do this anymore we both are going to make our dreams come true that includes traveling so I don't know where we gonna go but just NOW we atleast can't stay here with you all. So take care and because now as yoongi is legally an adult he will handle the min company, we will come back soon bye."

After reading that letter yoongi was calm outside but the anger boiling inside him made his face look red. He was so angry at his parents for abandoning him and his younger siblings including a 3 year old child who needs parents love. Meanwhile jungkook was trying to look into the paper to see what was written but yoongi just showed the letter in his pocket and just told him that seoyeon and hanjin won't ever come back home he was confused yet tears started to flow from his eyes he asked him what does that mean yoongi told him taht our own parents abandoned us that made him burst crying yoongi hugged him and a tear slipped from his eye too but he wiped it quickly so jungkook can't see him.

Yoongi pov

can't believe that our own parents abandoned us like this, if we were a burden to them they shouldn't have given birth to us but instead they just left us alone with all the responsibilities suddenly. But there is one thing that's good about them not being here is that now jungkook and y/n don't have to grow up in a toxic environment I will make sure not evn a single day will remind them of those full of swearing beating and all those hurtful days, I will try my best to always keep them happy  that they don't have to look for our parents I will give them all the love and will raise them to be a good person not like our parents. Besides idk how I will make y/n understand that our parents won't be here anymore cause she is just 3 and she is still sleeping , for the first time I am afraid to face her.....

Thats when y/n came down after waking up and not finding anyone near she came while rubbing her eyes as she was crying yoongi and jungkook ran towards her and ask her why she was crying she said she was scared as there was no one beside her whn she woke up and asked where eomma is that made yoongi freeze in his spot and jungkook just looked at yoongi with pity eyes yoongi gained his senses and sat down on his knee to match her height and told her straightforwardly that eomma and appa won't come home anymore as they now want to make their dreams come true, y/n looked at him and asked "what dreams?" he said that "now that we are together and happy they wanted to do things taht makes THEM happy that's why they left , don't you want eomma appa happy?" He told her he can't tell her the whole thing as she won't understand it so he told her in the simplest way he could find  he also didn't wanted her to hate them atleast for now , she made an understanding face but then suddenly started crying so he asked her again waht happened she said that means now she have to sleep alone yoongi and jungkook both chuckled at her cuteness and yoongi held her in his arms and told her that she can sleep with him or jungkookie from now on and wiped away her tears.

Yoongi pov
My y/n and jungkook I will try to be the best brother to you both and will give you the whole love of this world after all you guys are my siblings and not a burdern and also now MY responsibility.....

Hey guyss!! This was a tough chapter for me to write as this contains a bit of emotions. I still don't know if it's good or not but I hope you like it and
Thank you<3

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