Chapter 1

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Y/n- your name                                                              Y/n and Harry are cousins from his fathers side. 

Y/m/n-  your middle name                                        Her parents are dead.

Y/h/c - your hair color

Y/e/c- your eye color

Is it weird having crush on their professor? Some say no and that it is completely normal. Well guess what? In all of my 4 years in Hogwarts I have had to hide one of the biggest secret that i have ever held, and now that secret will be revealed. I Y/n Y/m/n Blanc have a crush on... wait no no  no.... I, Y/n Y/m/n Blanc is IN LOVE with my professor. Professor Severus Snape to be exact, aka THE potion Master aka THE grumpiest professor EVER aka THE dungeon bat. Now you might ask how in the name of Merlin I fell in love with this handsome, attractive, emo and grumpy guy, well here's why. First of all his voice is soo attractive and dark! 

Second he is the potion master and the way he brews potion or talks about it is just so HOT! Third something  about him really just make me drawn towards him, also he has spoken to me IN A GOOD WAY! He gives me points during his classes and complementing my potion and praising me slightly. 

Not many notice our "relation" but there are some who does and they don't give a dam fück. Except for one annoying BITCH. Hermione J. Granger, I know that I am friends with Harry and Ron but that doesn't mean that I have to be friends with her too. She has something against me since the first time i ever set foot on Hogwarts, the reason?! That's simple I am just simply better then her, smarter then her and occasionally nicer then her. 

Plus I am better looking! I usually bite back to when she is being rude to me, but one time she really got in my nerves. It was in the 2nd year during a test in transfiguration class, that she told professor McGonagall that was cheating on my test from Draco Malfoy. I of course who always makes fun of things in the wrong time just laughed it off at first, but then this bitch said that Ginny also saw me. 

Now i don't have problem with Ginny but the fact that she just stayed quit and nodded made me burst. But alas something sassy always has to occur during situation like this, McGonagall's comment towards that little rat made my YEAR! Till this day on I will always respect that goddamn lady. 

    -Flash back-

"Ms. Granger I assure you that Y/n is not cheating and before you say the word, Mr. Malfoy being Draco Malfoy himself know nothing about transfiguration. Second you now that i have eyes on all of you, and that you need to mind your own business and think about what you are doing. Thinking you can sneak around and help your friends with the test!! 

As you head of the house I am utterly disappointed at your behaviour." I look around and see that everybody has stopped doing there test and listening to her instead even peeves stopped what he was doing and just grinning towards Granger and the class. 

"Also lying about a student who is clearly SMARTER than YOU Ms. Granger. Not only just that but you had the bravery to drag one of your fellow classmate into this, 40 points from Gryffindor and a weeks detention with me. If I hear from your other professor that this happens again they will be severe consequences. Understood?! 

Hermione nods looking down at her test papers to hide her face because of the redness that appeared on her face, she was redder then all the Weasleys hair combined. "Well what are you all doing? 

Continue on your test papers or I am failing you all!" Damn professor McGonagall was mad. As I finished my test before the others as usual, I had gotten the permission to leave. I was suppose to be heading towards the library to read some potion books or what so ever but I decided it is better heading to herbiologi class. I need to ask professor sprout for permission for an early leave later on at class to cheer her fellow coworker that is now hot headed.

Professor Sprout of course agreed and told me that I could just skip her class since she was just going to do repetition of our previous lesson, Mandrakes. I make my way towards the kitchen to whip something up for my dear professor, when Dipsy the house elf on Hogwarts pops right in front of the kitchen door. 

"Dipsy heard what happened during miss Y/n's test, Dipsy was hoping miss would come because Dipsy prepared a gift" The elf snaps her fingers and and a cake together with red velvet cookies appear on her hands. 

"Thank you Dipsy! I really appreciated that" Giving Dipsy a quick hug I ran of to McGonagall's office  knowing that right know she has a free period. And so on the day end yo with me and McGonagall spending a night a her living quarters, which was not the first time. 

-End of Flash Back-

So Hermione really hated me and still do but Harry and Ron don't tho, so that's good. Also one thing I forgot to mention is that I have extra advanced potion with Snape and that's why we have become friends.

Thanks so much for reading!  And don't forget to vote and write in the comments on what you think! :)

Bye lovelies 

849 words


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