Chapter 2

47 5 36

Warning: torture, mention of death

Do please comment if I have any mistake and feel free to NOT be a silent reader:) ENJOY!

It's the beginning of the 5th year , you and Draco step out of the train and head towards the carriages. This time Draco insisted we would go sit with Luna, you followed him to another carriage where Luna sat. As we stepped in the carriage started to roll into the dark night, during the entire ride Luna and Draco were conversing about there summer whilst you just stared out into the darkness hoping to have a normal year. 

Ever since last year when you introduced Luna to Draco and practically begging him to try and befriend her they have been inseparable. Even during summer breaks Draco would send an owl to her 2-3 a week and she would always write back immediately the day after, they are like twins or best friend that you can never separate. Knowing them both very well you know that Draco loved Luna as a sister and Luna loved him as a brother, but as Draco said 

"You will always be my favourite 'sister' and nobody in any of the existing universe could replace you" 

Blaise and Pansy even considered her as a friend too, which was shocking because Pansy literally HATES everyone in the school (except our small group ofc) especially the girls and Blaise would say he is friends with someone but then just dump them like not even an hour after. But enough about them. As the carriage rode down the dark bumpy path you couldn't help but think what happened last year. 

-Last year- 

The Triwizard Tournament was horrific and being apart of the tournament as one of the organiser was an even bigger nightmare, if something happened to the contestant the blame would be placed the organisers. If something happened to the chosen one who also happened to be your cousin everyone would lose the mind so your task was to keep him safe. In the first task of the tournament Harry had already found out about the dragons before you told him. 

The only hard part was that you had to jump into the arena and save him from the dragon after the chains snapped, this cause you to have deep long cuts around round your abdomen and serious burn patches on your body. 

The second task you had to dive down into the lake to help the boy from being dragged down into the depths also risking your own and coming back up into the stands with a ripped leg and dislocated arm from the mermaid attack. 

The third and final task was the hardest since you had to make sure that the creatures inside the maze was not to harsh on the contestant. Everything seemed to go good until Fleur and Viktor was taken away from the task, you had this feeling that Harry would not make it on his own so you knew that Cedric was with him. 

But the feeling you had was not a good one, slipping away from the audience was a bit difficult since teachers kept asking me where I was going. After you got out of the crowed you immediately opened a gate towards the middle of the maze in hope that Harry and Cedric hadn't yet reached the cup. 

As you ran also casting charms to keep danger away from you, you could see them jumping towards the cup and grabbing hold of it before the maze could reach them. Knowing they were in big trouble you had cast a spell taught to you by Flitwick, it helped you locate the person your were looking for and apparating there. 

You had ended up in a dark graveyard and at the front of your eyes a bit away from you Harry and Cedric were talking to another man. The mans voice belonged to non other then Peter Pettigrew, you knew that voice to well but the one who poke after was a hoarse voice that send chills down your spine. You couldn't recognise who it was but what he said made you almost reveal your self.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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