A Simple Wedding

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Standing in front of the temple Rajan was praying and thanking GOD for bringing beauty and love into his life as well as giving him a chance to cherish that for the rest of his life. beside him was the priest arranging the place for the wedding of Rajan and Anjana. wind flows leading Rajan's face to turn to cherish the moment of entrance of his to-be wife – who is beautifully embedded in saffron color, walking with face constantly seeing the ground that's the first time he has seen her so shy. Every step she takes walking up the stairs makes him realize how beautiful she is, he was so restless that every second feels like an hour to him . he started walking to the stairs. He extends his arms to reach hers in exchange just when they were about to collide. A GUNSHOT .... and Anjana falls from the stairs Rajan runs to save her, and when he holds her unconscious in his hands he noticed blood on her shoulder and a gun wound .he was in agony just trying to understand what just happened, he noticed a mob running towards him with guns and swords in hands. left with no chance he ran to the forest behind the temple carrying his to-be wife in his hands with clothes stained with blood and praying to god to save her and help them while doing that he bumped into a person dressed in saint-like clothes. Rajan was pleading with him to help them

" Sir please help us, save her we are being followed, people are trying to kill us sir please help".

Saint at first seems to be a little disagreed but after he saw that every minute is precious to save Anjana's life he let them follow him through a secret tunnel to a small cottage where the saint practices medicine on Anjana for six hours. Only Rajan can know what immense pain he was going through at the moment it seemed that he has lost her but his constant praying saved her from the great danger but there was a storm that was waiting for him to face. Sitting on the edge with her hand, he goes back to their first interaction - under the entering moon Anjana dances with her ghungroo on, not even stopping for a breath, captivating Rajan so much that he can spend hours on clicking her, everything was so attractive about that he can't just take his eyes off her eyes, her expressions, her moves, it was all so perfect . he wants to know her. The moment he reaches for her it feels like she disappeared into thin air leaving his heart unease.

(Next Morning )

Rajan woke up with the sound of ringing temple bells .seeing the time as it was 8 clock in the morning.

"Good morning Mr. Rajan, how is the work going on? Are you facing any problems because you look tense?

"No sir, it's just trouble adjusting (priest started walking away with a smile )( just say it Rajan that you need to know who she is ). Sir, actually it would be really helpful if you will introduce the people involved here because you know everybody just gives me keen looks when I shoot so if that's okay".

Head priest – "Yes for sure " (As to his request head priest introduces him to everyone but not to the one he was waiting for .just as the head priest started walking away leaving his heart unsettled the one to settle it walks in, greeting the head priest with a smile and a startling look to Rajan as he was standing there with his mouth wide open .)

"Ah! Here enters my niece, mister she is Anjana, and Anjana he is Rajan the one making a documentary about our temple you need to show him the whole temple and take good care of him, I will take leave now. "

Anjana was not at peace because of Rajan's actions earlier. Being a gentleman he sensed that and limited himself until the moment she was comfortable around him. They started walking around the temple Anjana being a good guide showed him everything, glorifying every spot in the whole tour was nice he was absorbing every detail of that place. He only asked her about the temple and city hiding his willingness to know her better deep inside. Things started changing gradually the cold greetings between them turned into warm ones with a smile as days passed. It takes a special moment to change a girl's perspective and Rajan made a lot of them. Everything he does from giving treats to innocent children or helping others or his professionalism and most importantly respecting everyone, he was nothing like the city boys Anjana heard about. One evening she finally opened up to him when they meet to complete Rajan's last part of his work 'The cultural dance'.

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