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˚· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐, 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬

Charlotte let out a loud sigh as she exited her dorm, Elianna and Delilah a couple of steps ahead of her. It was the second of September, meaning their first day of class. The three girls were thrilled to be back at the castle, but mainly because of the castle itself, not all the work and classes that came along with it. As soon as the trio had step foot in the school, they fell in love with it, Elianna declaring she could stay there for the rest of her life. 

Of course, they loved being at home with their families, but there was something so magical about Hogwarts that made it so special. Every student could tell you the same thing. Hogwarts was and will always a one of a kind place in the wizarding world, a staple if you will. The hallways, the classrooms, the grounds, the lake, all of it, just so mesmerizing to everyone. 

Elianna's favourite part of the castle was by fair the Grand Staircase. It was simple really, but she loved it. She would never admit it, but she would sometimes take the wrong staircase on purpose just for fun. She loved it. She felt like a first year discovering the stairs for the first time every time she had to use them. 

For Delilah, the best part was the library. If you ever wanted to find the girl, there was a 99% chance she was in library, either reading or doing school work. There was something so peaceful and calming about it. She loved it. 

As for Charlotte, it was the black lake without a doubt. All the creatures that lived in there, the beauty of the moonlight reflecting on it late at night. The peace that surrounded the body of water for the most part. It was relaxing. She had found her own little spot on the rocks, one that was difficult to access, meaning no one disrupted her if she wanted to be alone.

The three Ravenclaw soon arrived in the Great Hall, most of the seats already taken by students. They found a spot pretty quickly, Elianna spotting their three Hufflepuff friends sitting with Jaxson not too far from them. The three girls quickly started eating their breakfast, having woken up a little late, they had little time to eat and make their way to their class. 

After a couple of minutes, the four boys joined them, sitting down in around the three girls who were in a deep conversation about the upcoming quidditch season. 

"Morning, ladies." Ben said, stealing a couple of fruits from Charlie's plate, making the girl slap his hand away. 

"Mornin'." Elianna responded, while Charlotte and Delilah simply nodded their heads at the boys. 

"What does you guys have first?" Charlotte asked them, barely even looking over at Cedric. 

"Charms. You?"


"And we're stuck with the stupid Weasleys, again." Elianna added, groaning a bit. The girl loved the two redheads, do not get her wrong, but they could be a little disrupting in class. 

"They're not that bad, Eli. You just need to relax sometimes." Charlotte mumbled, earning herself a smack on the shoulder from the blond girl. 

"At least you don't have potions with them." Cedric said, trying to cheer up the Wheeler girl. 

"That's true." Delilah agreed, remembering the chaos that was their potions class last year because of the two Weasleys. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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