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       The wind blew around him pushing his dark brown hair around, and his black cloak blowing with the current. He kept walking down the dirt path, as the trees seemed to loom over him, and the fog engulfed him from both sides of the path. The path loomed all the way to the opening of the spot where he had first met her. She was never really seen by humans, and usually stayed with her kind. She wasn't the nicest witch, but neither was he the nicest warlock. They seemed perfect together. 

Or at least he had thought, or he wouldn't be meeting her at their sacred place. He felt the slow change in the atmosphere, and he knew it as soon as his heart clenched. He kept getting closer and closer to where she sat on the old tree stump. He let out a long sigh, and made his way to her.

Vanessa sat perfectly on the tree stump. Her dark purple dress lay firmly against her body figure. Her flowing blonde hair framed her pale glass face perfectly. She was beyond gorgeous. Her bright blue eyes stayed still on him the whole way till he plopped down next to her on the stump.

"Darco." Vanessa sighed out, as she slowly placed her hand onto his leg, and rubbed small circles into it. He could feel the sadness lace her voice. He knew the end was near for them, and he still didn't understand why.

"This." Vanessa whispered out as she pointed between us, "needs to end here, Darco. I know we promised to always like each other romantically, but I love you. I know you could never love me the way I would want you to." Vanessa said with tears slowly running down her pale gorgeous face.

"Vanessa. You know I never would love you, or even could love you. We promised. You mean a lot to me, and we have shared very sacred moments between each other, but I'm no good for you and I can't ever imagine myself loving a witch like you. You act like me but you aren't. Your parents would exile you from your heritage. I could never put you in that position or be seen with your kind of people. You are right. This needs to end here" Darco sighed out in frustration and anger.

Vanessa stood up abruptly, as she fiercely wiped away at the tears that streamed down her face, and she pointed her finger at me as her long nude nail stared me down.

"You will never change, Darco! You only care about yourself! You could never truly love anyone, but yourself! I'm sorry, Darco. If you can't love me then you can't love no one else!" Vanessa screamed as the wind started to pick up, and the clouds seemed to loom over in dark clumps. 

"Vanessa? What are you doing?" Darco questioned in confusion, and frustration.

"Since I love you. I want what's best for you, so I will give you a chance to live a happy life with me." Vanessa said fixing her finger back, and extending her hand out to him. Darco looked from her hand to her, and he knew deep down that he never loved her and he just settled for her because it was easier than searching for more heartbreaks. 

"I can't, Vanessa. I would waste your love on a man who doesn't even love you." Darco sighed out, and Vanessa yanked her hand back and pressed it to her chest. The pain on her face resembled all that Darco did wrongly to her.

"I give you a year to truly fall in love with someone, and not just of yourself. You have to say the words and mean it. If you fail, then you shall turn into the cold-hearted monster that you are, Darco Monte. I curse you!" Vanessa screeches at Darco as she puts her hands into a oval motion together, purple smoke forms inside her hands, and Vanessa smiles in perfection of her spell. Vanessa then launches at Darco, and shoves the spell into the area where his heart would be. 

Darco screams in pain, as he throws off Vanessa, and grabs the area of his heart. The pain radiating through his body, as if it was on fire, while the clouds start booming thunder and striking trees with lightning. 

Darco feels himself slowly being lifted up, as he makes eye contact with Vanessa, she is holding her hand up to her mouth, as she is profusely crying. His hands pull out in front of him as he sees his hand changing to claws, his teeth enlarging, and his skin turning to scales. Darco lets out one last excruciating scream of pain, and drops onto the ground completely knocked out.

Darco was now the monster that Vanessa claimed him to be, and now he had only one year to fall truly in love or he will be this monster for the rest of his life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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