Chapter 1: Luz, Amity and Lilith

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Luz Noceda looked around, where had Collector sent them?

"Lilith? Amity? Anyone?" She called, but she couldn't see them anywhere

"Hi!" A Voice called from behind her, she jumped about a hundred feet into the air and screamed. She looked behind her and saw a large hot pink frog wearing clothes standing behind her "I'm Sprig Plantar! Nice to meet you! Do you know Anne? Did she send you?"

"Ummm. No? I don't know anyone named Anne. Why do you ask?" Luz asked Sprig

He sighed disappointedly "I was just hoping."

"Is Anne a friend of yours?" Luz asked, curious

"Yeah! She's a human like you." Sprig answered

"Hmmm. If you help me find my friends I might be able to help you find Anne."

"How'd you get here anyway? The calamity crystals were destroyed."

"What? What's a-" She answered

Suddenly someone yelled "AMBUSH!!!!" And tackled Sprig. Luz immediately aimed her palisman staff at the attacker.

"Who are you and what are you doing to Sprig" Luz asked, pulling out her palisman and aiming her at the intruder.

"Woah woah woah. This is my girlfriend, Ivy. Ivy, this is..." suddenly Sprig realized he had never asked the human's name. "What was your name?" He asked

"Luz. Luz Noceda." Luz said, holding her hand out to the yellow frog

"Nice to meet you, Luz." Ivy said, happily shaking her hand

"Welp, you can stay with my family as long as you need. Follow me!" Sprig said, motioning for her to follow.

She did
Amity Blight woke up and looked around.

"Woah... it's a human!" Someone said excitedly

"It doesn't look like her. Look at that hair! And those ears!" Someone else said

Amity got up as fast as she could, but whoever was there was hiding "Who's there? Luz? Hunter? Is that you? This isn't funny!" She said, knowing it wasn't them, she used a spell to conjure an abomination "whoever's there better come out! Or I'm sending this thing after you!"

Suddenly two large toad creatures stepped out with their hands up "hey! We're not gonna hurt you! I'm Percy and this is my friend Braddock. We haven't seen any humans around here in years, and the ones we did know sure couldn't make anything like that!"

Amity used her magic to put the abomination back into the bottle on her hip. "That's because I'm not human. I'm a witch. But I do happen to know a couple humans. Maybe you saw one of them? Cute, dark skin, short brown hair, scar through her left brow?"

"No. Sorry. Do you happen to know Sasha?" Braddock asked

"No. Sorry."

"Well, that's ok. Grime's gonna wanna see you anyway. He lives not too far from here, follow us!"

Amity followed, ready to fight if need be.
Lilith Clawthorn opened her eyes to find she had lost her glasses, she blinked and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands.

"Looking for these?" She heard a voice ask as her glasses were waved in front of her face. She put them on to see that a arge talking newt had handed them to her.

"Wow." She said, looking at her surroundings "where am I?"

"Why, your in Newtopia! We haven't seen a human in a very long time. Did your kind find a why to get here without too much trouble? Did Marcy come with you? Oh! I'm getting ahead of myself! Where are my manors? I'm Lady Olivia!"

"Lilith Clawthorn. I'm not actually human, I'm a witch, and I was sent here through the powers of The Collector, a child of the stars. I don't actually know any Marcy's that I am aware of. Was she a friend of yours?"

"Yes. She was. A very good friend. I wish I would have gotten to spend more time with her. Well, I still think there's a few frogs, toads and newts that would like to know that someone came from another world. Follow me."

Lilith followed her."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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