𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝙳𝚎𝚂𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝙶𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚗
𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚁𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚎, 𝙻𝙰
♫: 𝚂: 𝚂𝚉𝙰"Aye, top!" I heard Nardo's voice entering my room making me look up "How you get in hea'?" I raised my eyebrow and he laughed "Yo girl" he shrugged.
"Iyanna?" I questioned and he nodded "Mane I told her to leave!" I stressed just as I heard footsteps coming upstairs.
"You tryna ride wit' me to the store?" Nardo asked and I immediately nodded not wanting to deal with iyanna's shit. "Cmon" he nodded and I jumped up just as the door opened.
"Hey kentrell" Iyanna smiled up at me "Hey pretty, I'm finna go to the store rq" I announced and she huffed "But kennn you know it's my last day in BR" she whined and I fake pouted "oh really?" She nodded making me laugh.
"Fuck out my face" I pushed past her following closely behind Nardo, "where yo' security?" I asked as we walked out to his car "Ian got none" he laughed and I mugged him.
"Mane don't be rollin' in BR like dat" I said seriously and he nodded "I'm knowinnn" be dragged hopping in the drivers seat.
"You gotta come to Florida" he said turning on his radio "You gotta take me" I nodded and he smiled "Fashoo"
"I'm finna call ole' girl from yesterday" I smirked and he looked over at me "I forgot about ha" he sighed watching me click the FaceTime button.
"Hello?" The girls confused voice spoke her camera connecting showing she was currently doing hair. "Waddup pretty lady" I spoke putting my face in the camera.
"Oh hey yb!" She smiled at the camera before going back to the lady's hair "Call me kentrell" I said and she nodded "what you up to?" She asked keeping her eyes on the client.
"I'm wit' nardo" "Hey pretty lady" He smiled and she smiled too even though he couldn't see her "Hey nardo" she said and he nodded.
"When you done wit' that? Tryna come push up on you" I licked over my lips watching her every moment "I got 5 more braids left you could slide by" She said and I nodded "Drop it"
"Ok see y'all" She smiled before hanging up "She so bad" I said making nardo laugh.
"She young asl" He said and I nodded "For me! I'm older than both y'all" i mugged "old ass"
-"What you made?" I asked looking over at what looked to be pots of food sitting on her stove.
"Soul Food" she shrugged and I licked over my lips slowly walking over towards the kitchen.
"You still mad bout' that?" Amoura asked Nardo who shook his head smiling lowly at her "I'll get over it, one day" He laughed and she smiled up at him "I'm chill my bad fa' that" she assured him before walking over to me.
"Why y'all in my house?" She questioned jumping up on the counter "Y'all tryna kill me?" she joked and I nodded "Yeah" I said nonchalantly.
"Boy please! You see what's on my waist" she laughed pulling up her shirt making me laugh when I seen the gun "Guh! Why you got that" Nardo laughed grabbing a plate.
"Same reason y'all In here" she responded "so you got it cause you hungry?" He raised his eyebrow making her smack her lips "You was lame fa' that"