pChapter 2:

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Tiffany's P.O.V

I saw Taeyeon with her Revenge-Look, kekekeke..

Mrs. Park let us sit in the front row, where the boy from a while ago sat, I never did mind his Attitude, he's Cute! Ohh what Am I thinking? I'm such a byuntae! Taeyeon Unnie will scold me! Aish!

So here are the Arrangements...

|Suho| |Yuri| |Chanyeol|

|Baekhyun| |Taeyeon| |Me|

|Yoona| |Luhan| Tao|

|Sehun| |Jessica| |Kris|

|Kai| |Hyohyeon| |Seohyun|

|Sunny| |XiuMin| |Lay|

Then so on and so forth..[the other's are at the back of the room]

When we took our seats Taeyeon Suddenly pinched me!

"Ow! What was that for? Is it a punishment for Liking Chanyeol?!" I whispered or kinda shouted

"Anni, Oh, Never Mind, Just forget about what I said earliyer" She said

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