Planning and Longing

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Arryn's head was pounding, somehow he'd managed both excruciating pain and lightheadedness. Elias would be disappointed, upset too, but he'd long given up on trying to pry him away from the drink. He'd do it quietly, he felt every emotion quietly and sometimes Arryn hated it. He knew why of course, a loud outburst could trigger a shift and those were unpredictable at the best of times.

Still I wish you'd hate me a little, scream even, if only so our distaste for each other was in the open.

Elias was like mother in that way, fitting given their close relationship up until her untimely demise. He had half a mind to laugh, the other to tear up her grave with hounds made of black ice. He had half a dozen women straddling him, all haphazardly having thrown themselves somewhere on his bed. He clamped down on the twinge of disgust and cleared his throat as he dragged himself from the feathery surface.

"Ladies, see yourselves out to your fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands, whomever." he drawled on with disinterest.

A few of the women begin stirring, turning and mumbling about how much they remembered the previous night. A couple went quickly about gathering their things and belongings, one pouted at him- she puffed her cheeks.

"Your majesty, aren't we to receive any compensation for tonight? Perhaps a courtship?" one giggled, batting her eyelashes from the bed.

The bedroom was huge and Arryn was halfway across it when he heard the girl's request; they still haven't given up the idea of trapping me in marriage.

Arryn pitied them for it, he knew most were only doing as they were told, some even coerced, but there were chains on him too. Mine must look a lot prettier.

He rummaged around in an armoire for a moment and brought out a fistful of jeweled trinkets he threw towards the bed.

"Take your pick. If you want to be courted, look towards my heir." he said, shutting the armoire.

The girls dove at the jewels, eagle-like claws digging at the pile as they competed for the most stunning piece, tossing their heads back with laughter.

A couple were murmuring something and one looked towards Arryn uncertainty,

"With all due respect to your majesty, few girls want to court a..."

Freak, the other mouthed in response.

His hold on his abilities had already been slipping from him, having Elias home had brought too many emotions out of him. His tight control upon his greater element was being fickle and the headache thumping in his head wasn't helping. At that word, at their jeering, his control snapped out of his hands viciously. Not Elias, I won't let you vipers be so vile about him.

The air in the room became freezing in an instant and a gale of snow encircled the bed, crack, crack, crack.

The snow swirled into shapes in seconds, huge white hounds with little chips of ice woven into their coats gleamed in the room's light leaping onto the girls. They could not make real sounds but their low whines and whistles rolled over the room like the sounds of crackling ice. The four girls not pinned by the massive hounds made of rock hard snow ran for the door. The two beneath the hounds began apologizing profusely, at first for the insult but then everything as the fangs drew closer.

The door slammed open and Elias rushed in, he made it to the bed in a few strides using his elongated claws to wrap around the hounds throats. He lifted them off the girls and threw them onto the ground, the girls grabbed their things before running out.

Elias wasn't afraid of the hounds, any creation made from a greater element would obey a master's truest desire. He'd never hurt me, I know he wouldn't.

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