A Drunk Meeting In A Shared Tent

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Warnings : drunk sex, manhandling, blood kink, threats of violence, hitting, denial, worship, stomach bulge

Please only read if you feel comfortable with ALL of the above warnings.

Context: Halvar and Svend are attending a festival as part of a diplomatic mission. At the festival, they decided to have a drinking contest between themselves, leading to both being drunk.

Halvar and Svend remained where they were, swaying with the soft music. But, when the music finally stopped, they made their slow way home, accompanied by the tired Bjorn.

Once at their tent, everything changed.

The very moment the tent flap closed behind them, Halvar found his paws moving of their occord to grip Svend's hips harshly as his lightheaded decisions manifested in front of him.

Halvar heard Svend gasp as he was maneuvered further into the tent, paws finding Halvar's. The smaller werewolf was completely malleable under his large paws and Halvar didn't waste any time to draw blood.

Teeth finding the bandage on Svend's neck, the king pulled the thin fabric until it loosened and fell away, exposing the still healing bite from earlier. The lack of air meant the skin beneath was soft and Halvar found himself passing his tongue across the uneven scab.

It was at that moment that he realized they were much too clothed and he lifted only one paw from Svend's hips to unbutton his coat haphazardly. He felt his paw shake and he huffed, angry at himself.

Once free of the constricting coat, Halvar did the same for Svend, feeling his servant's chest rise and fall in quick succession, the skin underneath his fur hot.

"This is what you wanted, maid?" Halvar teased in a dark tone, moving his free paw to hold Svend's throat. He withheld a shiver when he felt his servant's breathing quicken under the pressure and let out a soft moan at the sensation.

"Yes, master," Svend breathed out as he lifted his head to allow Halvar further access to his neck. Of course, Halvar took what he was given and more, teeth finding more unclaimed areas, the taste of blood further exciting him.

Halvar led them further into the tent, stumbling around the unmade blankets and scattered pillows. At that moment he remembered how much they both had to drink, but he didn't seem to care. The king knew Svend probably wouldn't remember this in the morning and that added to his confidence.

Finally, Svend found the confidence to move his paws and Halvar felt a soft scratch against his back as the servant slunk even closer to him, his other paw holding onto Halvar's wrist to encourage him to squeeze his neck harder.

The king did so immediately, basking in the moan it produced from Svend. He continued his crusade of bites down to Svend's collarbone, licking up the blood they produced before kissing the new wound. He could tell the harsh feeling of his tongue on the open cuts was heavenly to Svend because each time he tasted blood, his servant's shaking body moved closer to him.

Eventually, Halvar realized the only reason Svend was upright was because he had leaned his full weight against the king, knees unable to support him anymore.

"On your knees, maid," the king commanded, releasing Svend much to his vocal dismay. Halvar ignored the pleas for contact and instead pressed a firm paw against his servant's shoulders. This contact finally got through to Svend and he lowered himself ungracefully to the blanketed ground.

"Please, master," began the begging from Svend for the king to do something; It was ignored thoroughly by Halvar. He was too busy ridding himself of his trousers and undergarments to care or act on whatever it was Svend wanted from him. Eventually, the pleading quieted to simple whimpers and this was when Halvar continued his touching, claws pressing into Svend's shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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