9. Ah Chai

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After the last period of english, the bell rang. Sweeping the lifelessness away from the classroom, the students excitedly kept their things and went to eat.

A member of the sports committee slammed down a book on the podium and yelled, "There's the monthly examinations tomorrow, there's no PE today!! Come straight to the classroom in the afternoon, don't go to the field!!"

Everyone sighed.

Once outside the classroom, there was no more air-conditioning, the turbulent heat wave came and the temperature rose sharply.

Xu You felt dizzy from the heat, her arms hugging her books and homework, turning a corner and went down the stairs.

It was crowded, and there was a lot of bustling noise.

Two girls in front held hands while they talked, their voices reaching Xu You's ears.

"Hey, have you heard, just now Chen Jing Yi went to the year three liberal arts class and fought with a girl, there were a lot of people watching."

"Year three liberal arts class? Who."

"He Dan Lu, I think, I heard the others say that someone threw a book at her face outside the classroom."

"So crazy? What happened."

Her tone of gossip extremely curious.

"I heard it from my friend too, I think it's like He Dan Lu went to the restroom with her friend and bumped into Chen Jing Yi, then she called her a vixen, and said that she smelled, and was slapped by Chen Jing Yi on the spot."

"Ah?" The girl was in disbelief. "A year two hitting a year three?"

Then she was puzzled. "Why would she suddenly go and offend someone."

Another girl joined in the gossip. "I think it's because of Chen Jing Yi's ex-boyfriend, He Dan Lu's chasing after him, but she wasn't successful."

"Ex-boyfriend? Who is it... my god, this is so cliche."

"Xie Ci, do you know him."


One of them paused for a few seconds, then said, "Who doesn't know him."

She then seemed to remember something, then asked, "Didn't he just broke up with Qiu Qing Qing, he was with Chen Jing Yi before?"

"He was just playing around with them, it's not like he was running low on pretty girls anyway." The girl who had started the gossip carelessly said. "Actually, that group of people from class nine are all assholes, but they're all rich..."

They turned another corner, their voices becoming softer.

Xu You went down the stairs one step at a time, not in the mood to listen to other people's gossip.

She asked herself, she had only been in this school for a few days, and she didn't know many people in class nine. But no matter where she went, she could always hear those familiar names.

It's a little haunting.

As she was in a daze, someone tapped her shoulder. Xu You turned her head and saw her roommate standing next to her.

"You You, are you going to the canteen now?!"

"Mm." Xu You nodded.

Chen Xiao replied with a 'ah', and pulled her arm as she shook it. "Can you come with me to eat outside of school, I don't want to line up alone."


Xu You was not good at rejecting others, and said after a while, "I still have my books, is it far?"

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