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Nunew's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what Kylie said to Zee earlier.. Why would she lie about something like that to Zee?

I sigh, biting my inner cheek when someone suddenly pat my shoulder making me turn to see Kamnan

"Hey Nhu" he said making me force a small smile as he frown "Can i seat beside you?" he asked making me nod as he then sat down beside me

"Is something wrong?" he asked as I look at him, shaking my head 'No'

"If somethings wrong, you can talk to me okay?" he said patting my head, i just smile it off

The teacher then walked in a few seconds later as we all got our books on our desk

I look around not seeing Zee nor Fiona, Nat, and Kylie

- Later -

Second class finally ended as I got up from my seat, getting my book, then turned to Kamnan "I'll go first now" i said not waiting for his response

I was pissed because of Kylie lying to Zee, Now Zee might think I really talked "bad" about her

I then got out from the classroom, trying to find Nat and Fiona at the hallway when someone suddenly pulled my arm making my eyes widen seeing

"Kylie?" i said as she leans in my ear and whispers "Zee is mine.. Got it? he will never be yours you bitch" she said pushing me slightly, leaving

"Why would she suddenly do that?" i thought as I clench my jaw in anger, keeping my cool

"Whatever.." i said as I then try to find Fiona and Nat as I then saw them standing at their locker, looking at me

They both walk towards me, they both probably saw what happened just now.

"Nhu!" Fiona said "What did Kylie say to you?" Nat said worriedly "Its nothing much don't worry" i said

"Come on! Tell us!" Fiona says as I then sigh, nodding in defeat "She just said that.. Zee is hers, and will never be mine" i said as they both look at me shock

"But.. Aren't you dating Zee?" Fiona asked making me nod "Yeah" i said "Does she know?" Nat asks looking at me as I look at the both of them

"I-I don't know.. She might tell everyone" i said, fiddling with my fingers

"Just talk to Zee later okay?" Fiona says making me nod when suddenly someone pulls me by the arm making me turn to see Zee.

I frown "Zee, what are you-" He then pulls me making me follow where we are going leaving Nat and Fiona

He pulls me inside the janitor's closet making me frown, what was he doing?

He sigh "Is it true?" he said making me pretend not knowing what he was talking about "What do you mean?" I asked

"Did you talk bad about Kylie Nhu..?" he asked making me shake my head 'No'

"Zee you know I would never do that right? I'm not that kind of person" i said as he sigh

"I know your not that kind of person Nhu but.. I don't know.." he said making me frown, holding his hands "What do you mean you don't know?" i asked caressing his cheek

"I don't know if I should believe you.." he whispers making me freeze, What does he mean by not believing me? I'm his boyfriend, why would he not believe me?

"What..?" i whisper, he moves my hand away from his cheek as he look at me "Zee I'm your boyfriend, why won't you believe me?" i asked

"Am i not even your boyfriend?" i said as I then look away, poking my tounge in my inner cheek

"Nhu I don't mean it like that I-" "Fine" i said cutting him off, he then looks at me frowning "What?" he says looking at me

"Let's break up then" i said without hesitation he looks at me with his eyes widen slightly "Nhu what are you talking about" he said holding my hand

I push his hand away as I look at him clenching my jaw "You believe Kylie more than me!" i said clutching my fist

"You don't even act like my boyfriend Zee!" i said almost shouting, he just stood there not saying anything as I sigh "Go to Kylie then, believe her lies" i said as I then walk past him leaving the room as tears got out of my eyes

"Jerk" i said.

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