Chapter 9

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The whole day I was thinking about the event that has taken place a few days ago. Not only today but it made me think about it again and again after hearing the whole conversation between them. I didn't mean to do that, but I did and now I can't stop thinking about the words that came out of my brother's mouth.

The fact that I always thought that no matter what family comes before anything for Bhai but he disappointed me very very much. It feels like he is not the elder I grew up with he feels completely different to me, because if was the same he wouldn't have said those things to a woman who is his wife.

I can't point out why he did that to her but it was not something I can forget so easily. Doesn't matter if he hates Chaya or anything but he doesn't have any right to talk to her like that.

Thinking about her makes me remember how she was crying that night and how she was in the pool for the whole night. I didn't have the courage to talk to her that night because I thought I would make things worse and she needs time for herself.

But I can't turn the blind eye everytime my brother treats her like that like she is some kind of trash. I need to talk to her today and make things clear and why she has not told anyone about how Bhai is treating her. Everyone know that there is a tension between those two but they thought that eventually things will turn out good, even I thought the same but I can't see how she is trying so hard for him to treat her a wife should be treated but he just doesn't care.Even thinking about it makes my blood boil.

I told Ashu everything and he said we should not just get into conclusions and maybe they were fighting or something like that, but I know they weren't because Ashu wasn't here when she came into this house so bright and full of life and how she became so dull. She tried her best to be a part of our family and everyone reciprocated the feeling except one person who is her husband.

I was in my thoughts when I got phone call from Ashu.

***On The Phone***

"I am taking her to the Ashram" he said.


"Do you still want to ask her Avi?"

"Yes, I want to know what is actually happening between those two".

"Are you sure? I still think that they are fighting. It is normal between married couples." I heard him sighing from the other side.

"I am sure about it and if it wasn't that important I wouldn't have told you."

"I know I know but you know what is it today right?"

"Her birthday I know Kanvi told me".

There was a slight pause before Ashu spoke again "Isn't that?".

"Yeah she is."

"Are you still talking to her?"

"No I am not and don't change the current topic in hand".

"Sure Baby".

"If you are done I have other things to do Ashu".

"One last thing"


"I am still included in the conversation right?"

"Nahi tumhara na rehna hi theek hoga waise bhi Chaya will be more comfortable to talk to me then you about these stuffs."

"Really Advik have you forgotten that you were the one-" I cut him off before he could speak further because I didn't want to talk about the past not right now.

"Ashu just take her to the Ashram and bring her back safely and leave the rest to me. Am I clear?"

"You remember that I am the older one right?"

"I have work to do. Bye." Saying that I hung up.


No matter what I have to talk to her today.

The rest of the was a blur reading and signing papers, going to some of the sights to see how the work is going on and answering phone calls. It was half past nine by the time I was done with everything and left for home.


Am I nervous? Yes.

Do I have to talk to her about it? No.

Do I want to do that? Yes.

Why? Because I have to.

It was almost 11 and I was walking in the garden thinking how would I ask her the things that was not leaving my mind from that night.

I saw her walking through the back door and coming towards me. She seems happy. Ashu did a good job I guess. Atleast one of my brother made her happy.

"Advik" she said my name.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"It was great the children at the NGO are so nice and welcoming it felt so good to be with them. We played games together, painted together and danced it felt like I am back to my college days" she said smiling ear to ear.

It feels nice to hear that she had a great day but what I am going to ask her would definitely change her mood.



"What is going on between you and Bhai?"


"I think you heard me at the first time Chaya" I said taking a step towards her.

"N-nahi mat-matlab. Sab th-theek hai hu-humare beech".

"Chaya I am sorry but I heard your conversation with Bhai that day trust me I didn't mean to but..."

She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Advik wa-waisa kuch bhi n-nahi hai jaisa t-tum soch rahe ho-"


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