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So, she was hit with the heavy news that she had coronary artery disease. She couldn't believe it at first, took her a moment to process it all. And when it finally sank in, it hit her hard. She was devastated, tears streaming down her face for a good half an hour. Aisha, being the understanding friend she is, let her vent and cry it out. Sometimes you just need a good cry to release all that pent-up emotion, you know?

After she'd had her cry, she made a decision. She made up her mind that she wasn't going to tell anyone about her condition, not her parents, not her friends, She wanted to keep it to herself and try to live as happily as she could for as long as she had. She cherished her time with her parents, who had always been there for her, fulfilling her every wish. She wanted to make the most of the time she had left and create beautiful memories with them.

But when it came to Asad, she knew she couldn't keep this from him. She wanted to be honest with him, to share her fears and hopes with the person she cared about deeply. She wanted to cherish their moments together, to make every second count. So, she decided to confide in him, to let him into her world of vulnerability and uncertainty.

And in this whirlwind of emotions and decisions, she turned to Aisha. She asked her friend to keep her secret, to hold this heavy burden with her. Having a trusted confidante by her side meant the world to her, knowing she had someone to lean on in her darkest moments.

With a mix of determination and uncertainty in her heart, she left the hospital. Stepping out into the world, she carried with her a weight heavier than before, but also a newfound resolve to live each day to the fullest, to love fiercely, and to find moments of joy amidst the shadows of her diagnosis.


Hey there, diary,

Today has been really tough for me. I've been feeling like I'm destined to just suffer and be miserable all the time. It's like I'm constantly being hurt by everyone around me, and I'm just left feeling so broken and depressed.

You know, it's like Allah has chosen me to experience the worst things in life. And to top it all off, I'm dealing with this unbearable feeling of untold love. It's like having this deep love for someone but not being able to express it to them - it's just eating me up inside.

People always say that love is supposed to be this beautiful, amazing thing, but for me, it's turned into this painful, torturous experience. And the fact that I can't even tell the person I care about how I feel makes it even worse. I've been carrying this burden for so long, and I just can't take it anymore.

I wish things were different. I wish I could just be happy and free from all this pain. But it feels like I'm stuck in this never-ending cycle of suffering and heartache. I don't know what to do anymore, diary. I feel so lost and alone.

I'm just hoping that somehow, someday, things will get better. That maybe one day I'll be able to break free from this feeling of despair and finally find some peace. But for now, I'll just keep pouring my heart out to you, diary, because you're the only one who truly understands me.

Thanks for listening, diary. I don't know what I'd do without you.

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