•The Storm•

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Cecilia Hamilton

I squealed as I ran into the hut.
Why were we so close?
Why did I want to kiss her?
I didn't know but I was definitely flustered. She looked so... Masculine yet so feminine.

I was blushing at my thoughts when I heard a huge blast outside. I flinched as I grabbed Jade and ran into the small room inside the hut. I heard many men walk into the hut. Pigs were squealing as I heard a man shout. It was the king.


"Find that little bitch! And bring her to me! She made me lose all my money and she deserves to be punished. Whoever brings her to me first will get a thousand gold coins!"
I flinched at his words. I prayed I would not be found holding onto Jade. Alas, I was found. A soldier found me and dragged me outside the hut.

He threw me onto the King's feet. I looked around, the hut was in a mess. The pigs were slashed. Pig blood was everywhere. He grabbed me by my hair and slapped me. He spit on my face."Ha! Look at this little bitch, she really thought she could escape. A slap and a spit in your face isn't enough. You deserve more" He said as the soldiers around him laughed.

He threw me into a cage and locked me up. I took one last look at the hut before leaving to be locked up, again.
I whispered "Alex..."

-a few hours later-

I woke up to the stinging feeling of cold water thrown onto my face. I got up and was dragged by the soldiers into my room. They harshly threw me onto the floor and locked the door. I laid down on my bed. As I cried into the pillows.

I woke up, I didn't realize I slept while crying. I heard a loud bang on my door.
It was the king.

He entered the room. He grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head into the wall. "Because of you... I had to postpone the fucking marriage to 6 months" He said as he kicked me in the stomach. I cried and screamed in pain.

"SHUT IT! you ungrateful brat! You should be grateful someone actually wants to marry you" He shouted as he pulled out a whip. He whipped my back as I screamed and cried in pain.
Every whip I could feel my skin tearing apart. He finally stopped.

I sniffled, as I looked up to the man. "Father... Why do you hate me so much?" I asked as I cried in pain.
"Don't you dare call me your father. Why do I hate you? Because you're the daughter of that whore of a mother. You're a curse, Cecilia, a curse. Don't ever dream of love, you don't deserve it." He spat as he left.

I cried silently in pain as the night progressed.

[Author's note]
4 chapters in one day!
How's the bitter flashback as to what actually happened with Cecilia?
Did you cry?
Anyways, I gotta go now. This is the last chapter of the day.
Have a bootiful day~~
Bye my non-existent cornflakes!

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