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Nunew's POV

I got outside the bathroom stall as I look at myself in the mirror seeing my red and puffy eyes

I sigh, fixing my hair as I then got out of the bathroom seeing everyone leaving their classroom

I saw Nat and Fiona as they both also saw me, they wanted to walk towards me when someone suddenly pat my shoulder making me turn to see my teacher

"Detention, come on" he said making me sigh, following him

I went inside detention class not seeing anyone, i then sat down on an empty desk as I sigh, hiding my face at the table.

Nat's POV

"Did you see his eyes?" Fiona asked making me nod with a frown "Was he crying?" i thought

"What if Zee said something bad to him?!" Fiona said, clenching her jaw as I sigh

"You know Zee would never do that.. Right?" i said as she sigh, poking her tounge in her inner cheek

I look down "What if she's right.." i thought

Soon, someone suddenly patted my shoulder making me turn to see Zee

"Oh, Zee" i said as he sigh making me frown "What's the matter?" i asked

"Where's Nhu..?" he asked making me frown "I thought you were with him?"
i said as he sigh, looking down

I sigh "He got into detention for skipping first class.. Maybe he will get out of detention after second class" i answered making him look at me

"Oi, did you say anything bad about Nunew?" Fiona said walking towards him making me pinch her arm as she hiss in pain, looking at me

I shook my head as she glare at me, she look back at Zee with a raised eyebrow "So?" she said, folding her arms glaring at him making me sigh

"Just.. tell him to come at the rooftop after school, okay?" he said, leaving making Fiona gasp in disbelief

"Did he just ignore my question?" she said looking at me "Hey! I asked you a q-" i cover her mouth before she finished her sentence.

- Later -

Nunew's POV

I got out of detention, sighing walking towards my locker when someone suddenly called my name making me turn to see Kamnan

He ran towards me "Where were you? You skipped first class, what happened?" he asked alot of questions making me chuckle softly

"It's nothing.. I just didn't have the energy to go to class, sorry" i said softly making him smile slightly

He caressed my head "Naughty boy, don't skip class again okay?" he said with a smile

I smile, nodding as he chuckle "Okay, we should go to our third class" he said making me nod

- Later -

I finished my third class with Kamnan as we got out of the classroom while talking

"Really? She said that?" i said, covering my mouth because of laughing

"Yeah! Crazy right?" he said, laughing with me as I nod with a smile

"Nhu!" someone shouted making me turn to see Nat

"Nat!" i said walking towards him "You got out of detention already?" he asked making me frown

"Why? do you not want me to get out of detention silly?" i said, folding my arms making him whine

"That's not what I meant~" he cooed making me chuckle, "Anywayss, where's Fiona?" i asked

"She's at the teacher's faculty passing her assignment" he said making me nod

"Well then, Nhu I'll go to my last class now" Kamnan said making me turn

"Sure, see you!" i said, waving making him wave back with a smile making me chuckle

"Ohooo~ Why are you smiling? You don't usually smile when waving bye to someone but Zee and Kamnan" Nat said with a suspicious face making me scoff

"Am i not allowed to?" i said, folding my arms

"I apologize~" Nat whined making me chuckle.

Hello everyonee! Did you guys miss me? I missed yall too 🥺, Sorry for the really late update because I've been really caught up with school latelyy, I apologize Na~ I won't be uploading 1 or 2 chapter (s) today because I have to finish my workk, I'm very sorry everyone! I also apologize for the short chapter because it was rushedd, But I won't let you all down! I'm gonna finish this story soon

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