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Jennie pov

Makeup artist done my make and now I was full ready I was thinking lisa came

"Unnie you look sexy" said lisa

"Yes unnie you are gorgeous " said rose

"Yes" jisoo

"Thank you " I said

"Let's go " said jisoo

Taehyung pov

I was standing here and jennie came to the stage she look so beautiful and priest said

"---------------___now you may kiss the bride " said priest

I kissed on her forehead and looked at her

After sometime at party

"Look I don't treat you as my wife " I said

"I have no problem Okay " she said and i went near my friends

Jennie pov

I was talking with lisa

"Lisa I think he will my life hell" I said

"Unnie look if did anything to you just ignore him and ming your business  " she said

"Ok then" I said

At house

"Look jennie don't involve in my work any time " he said

"Okay " I said

"There is your room " said taehyung pointing the room and I went and slept

At  morning

I think too cook food so I was preparing food and taehyung came

"What are you doing " he asked me

"Can't  you see im cooking " i said

"Who said you too cook ha" he said

"If you don't want I will eat it and I didn't ask you too eat right " I said and he went out

Taehyung pov

I left home and helding to work as suga hyung called me to say something

"Hyung what you want to say for me" I asked him

"Taehyung I found the killer " he said

"Who" I asked him

Author:-I hope you all liked this story tell your opinion in comments.


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