Airport 2

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Sorry everyone! I wasn't able to update for a while. I was busy with my school and stuff. I'm a high school final year student. The mock exams, test and university entrance and all kept me busy all the time.

But now my final exams are over and so did my Uni entrance exams.
I'll he continuing my story now.

And I promise to try and keep a regular update of the stories that i write.



As she walked towards the door she bumped into someone.
He bag, her phone and her tab fell off as she too was about to fall when a pair of strong yet tender hands caught her.

She looked up to see a pair of startled eyes with black orbs. With his hair as black as charcoal.

She thought as she saw him, 'Not too tall and not too short. Mature eyes but immature face. His hands. They have callous between the index and middle finger. Must be an art student. Definitely in college. Wait a sec. Why the hell am I analysing him?'

She jerked up from his hands as she heard a deep voice ask her, "Are you okay, miss?"



She then looked behind her to see a worried young man.
She smiled a bit and replied. "Yeah! I'm okay. Sorry, I wasn't looking and I bumped into you. Are you okay?"

The guy too smiled. "It's okay. It happens. And I'm alright. Just be careful next time."

Liya smiled and nodded. She then started to pick up her fallen things while he helped her.

She thanked for his help. She then only notice that his coat was torn.

She said with a wide eyes, "Oh my God! I'm so sorry. I didn't realize that my keychain tore your coat."

He then looked down towards the forn part and waved his hand at her, signalling her to dismiss her thought. "It's really alright. The cloth of this coat was already worn out. I was planning on replacing it. No worries."

He looked at her to see her anxious eyes which somehow, to him looked addicting. He then licked his lips and diverted his eyes somewhere else and noticed a cafe.

He then smiled to himself and asked her, "If you are really guilty, then... why don't you treat me to a coffee? But FYI, I hate coffee inside the airport."

She then looked into his eyes and replied, "Yeah. Sure."
Just then, her phone rang. It was a call from her assistant.
"Just a second, please. Excuse me."

She attended the call and said a few 'ok's and 'got it's.

She hung up and pursed her lips and said to then guy, "Well... Guess we should take a rain check. I've got some work to do. I'll give you my number. Text me. And we can go for that coffee offer or I'll make it up to you in some other way."

She wrote her number in a small paper from her bag as she talked to him.

She passed him the paper and said, "My name is Liya, by the way. "

Saying this she ran away from the place. The guy just held out to the paper she gave and breathed out, "And I'm Ren."


She ran and reached her office at last. "What happened? Didn't Mr.Giss say that he would come tomorrow? How come he is here already?"

Her assistant didn't know what to reply. She just looked tensed and passed her a file. "The designs are ready, ma'am. We don't need to worry about that. But we don't have time to cross check and approve them. What if we just show them everything and let them pick it?"

Liya shook her head and showed a stern face, "Then they would feel that we are not confident about our designs. Nobody would want to buy stuff from a designer who is not confident in his own product.
Keeping options is good though. But not all like a garbage dump because we couldn't choose the best picks.
What did the design department finalize?"

This assistant passed a paper and pointed to the drawings in it.

Liya analysed it keenly and nodded her head in approval. "Present these itself. They look great."

Few hours later...

Liya got home and poured herself a glass of water. She then called her boyfriend only to find the other line was busy.

She pouted to herself. She then started texting him saying...
"The work which I had to finish the next Monday got over early. I already booked a ticket back to New York. I would start from here tonight. Hope to see you soon.

PS: Love you ❤"

Before sending the message she stopped and her mind started to play a different song.
She then smirked and said to herself, "Nope. Don't send it. Let's just surprise Jason and that crack head who shares the same brain cell as me."

She then chucked and deleted the types message.

After putting her phone aside, she started to pack her stuff while wondering if that kid would text her asking for the coat's compensation.


To be continued...

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