A bit of a small peak to the next chapter :>

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Ho? So one of my creations have escaped me?

Ah, it was her... How bothersome, that such a nice test subject was taken away from me.

A Majin named her, a blue haired one...

This is ought to be interesting, I suppose.

Perhaps my boredom ever since Veldanava-Sama died can be relieved?

Not to mention that Storm Dragon who invaded my facility is also gone, and this Majin has the same attribute as it.


How entertaining, that a slime of all beings has gained sentience!

It makes me spasm in joy, the ancestor of all races!

I, Twilight Valentine, look forward to this beings growth!


So, you don't like your last name?

No, not ever since that...

Then I'll give you my last name, Tempest.

Wait... What?

It fits perfectly, don't you agree? Shizue Tempest, Shizu Tempest.


Why are you smiling and also crying?

I... It's just.. Refreshing.




How interesting, that such a being has come into existence.

A slime that has gained sentience, the lowest of the lowest...

How... Intriguing...

I must meet this being at all costs, no matter what!

If I meet him...

Then maybe...


Perhaps you, my soon to be Lord, will guide me...

To the truth of this world!


Leon-Sama, the damages to the country are repairable. It will take an estimate of 1 month to repair the damages Shizue caused.

I see, get to work immediately.

As you wish!


A slime...

Is it perhaps a reincarnated one?

He seemed adept in Japanese culture.

Oh well, research comes later. For now, I must focus on the damages done to the barrier.


Clayman-Sama, El Dorado was invaded by a woman who nearly managed to defeat Leon-Sama.

Is that so? How pitiful, I hope that man is alright... (Because you are mine to kill)

Very well, doesn't matter, thank you for your report.

(A new unidentified Majin that nearly killed Leon? I better not get on that person's bad side...)

Well, this is a neat change of pace.


Hm? Leon-San got invaded?

And almost killed too?

How pathetic, to bring shame to the name of True Hero's like that.

Well, atleast he survived.

I guess a little bit of investigation regarding this being would be safe.

Seems like I, Mariabell Rosso, have to take things in my hands again.

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