Mrs Kim

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You felt uneasy , weren't liking this at all but the reason for your this feeling was still unknown . Taehyung noticed the blood drops falling down on the ground from your hand as the wound was deep .

He stepped back but stumbled . At the same time chloee turned around and they both fell on bed with her on top of him You ran outside with heavy heart . You sighed putting your hand under running water from the tap in the kitchen " why i am feeling like this just why?"

You questioned yourself . Your wound was burning cause of the water blood was flowing continuosly " isn't this what i wanted huh?" Your thoughts were puzzling you .

Taehyung felt himself getting wet cause of the glass chloee was holding . Chloee got up from him and apologized but her eyes widened when she saw the lipstick mark on his chest . She gulped looking away.

Taehyung just ran outside to find you. He stopped running when he saw you in kitchen but his eyes widened when he saw how roughly you were rubbing your wounded palm with other hand " oh god noona" he came from behind and held both your hands , stopping your actions . " what the hell are you doing noona " he shouted .

You were just froze . His body was touching yours . Your mind was diverted towards your boths position . You slowly let out a shaky breathe , feeling hot out of nowhere. " come with me" he dragged you towards dining table and made you sit there on one chair

He brought first aid kit and started treating your wound " how this happened noona tell me" he asked blowing on the wound while cleaning it with spirit . " knife " you shortly replied while your eyes were fixed on his face

He was looking so worried . You unknowingly smiled while admiring his face . " yah noona why are you so careless look how big is this you are ......" he was scolding you but were

you listening? No , you were too lost on continuosly watching the movements of his lips to even hear what he was saying. He kept on going and going . " Done" he said and turned to face you . As soon as you made eyecontact with him , you looked away as your face turned red " what i was even doing huh?" You questioned yourself.

" noona " he cupped your face and made you look at him . You innocently looked at him . " please take care of yourself i can't see you hurt" he softly said and pecked your forehead

You were enjoying the moment too much but then your eyes fell on the lipstickmark . You changed your expressions to cold ones and stood up " go wear something" you said crossing your hands on your chest . He just nodded , was taken aback by your sudden mood change. 

chloee on the other hand  was watching everything from far "seems like its my time... i have to do something hmm" she smirked on her thoughts . She walked upto you "unnie are you alright?" She asked . "um uh yes ofcourse" you fakely smiled .  you were getting irritated as soon as she arrived. " you saw him and me?" She shyly said while biting her lips.

You knitted your eyebrows , feeling angry by the sudden question . "thank you unnie" she said " why?" You asked " for the moment" she instantly replied . " it was just ahh" she walked away with a shy face.

" whats in that huh? I don't think so he knew she was coming didn't he called me? But why would he hug me means like he don't love me right? No i am not liking them together no but i uh why does chloee loves him do he love her too? Will he leave me for her? Didn't he just married me for the baby?" You thought .

You took deep breathes as your anger was rising up more and more " what should i do? Just see them come close or should stop but chloee love him and he ??  do i love him? Do i?" You were so confused by yourself

Back to USA....
" they got to know about thier where abouts" one of the bodyguards of kims mansion called Mrs kim and told her about this . " what but how?" She asked , was little bit worried

" minho and he paid money to head of the airport staff to know every details . As it was hard for them to know after what minho did there at airport but they both offered huge amount of money and they gave them all details and Now are planning to fly off today itself maam you have to do something " he said .

Mrs kim sighed " these ugly dogs uh" she cursed " they paid money?" She asked " yes through check" he replied . She smirked knowing what she have to do now . " good i am coming today okay " she said " what no maam you can't they will-" " you all are there for me aren't you hmm?" She asked to which he quickly replied yes " we will do anything to save you" he said

After few hours...
Yes Mr kim's plan worked . They declared minho mentally sick and then commissioner did his job for them and thats how he was released from the jail. But he was all over news channels cause of this news . He was just waiting to take his revenge on you both . He already planned everything but suddenly police arrived in the mansion , confusing him

" Mr kim and minho you are under arrest in fraud case" police said holding cuffs in the air . Their eyes widened " what are you saying" both said at the same time " yes your check bounced . FIR is filed against you both for  doing fraud of $1 million " they said , cuffing their hands " what no how can no its not possible" Mr kim struggled to get out of their grips but couldn't succeed

" sir your check bounced" one of his worker ran inside  house with not so new news . " your account is cancelled by your wife your all money is transferred to her account" he lowly said to Mr kim . Mr kim widened his eyes "what are you saying how could it be possible just how ?"he said

He heard a door bell and saw all his bodyguards standing there more precisely were standing there to hide someonebehind them.

Soon they parted a lil to show who actually was there. Mr kim and minho saw black fancy high heels their eyes slowly was going from foot to the face of the person the person was wearing not so lose black jeans then a cocoa coloured blazer upto her knees with white shirt a blonde look

" her" he mummered seeing Mrs kim in front of him with his own assitant looking so expensive with diamond bracelets and pendants also sunglasses on RICH VIBES ufff

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