Not gay

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Note: Hello it's me Axvill! Those who didn't or couldn't read chapter 4, he's a quick summary. 4 made 3 dance the sad cat dance in his maid dress outfit and them 4 feels something strange down below blah blah blah, he took 3 to the bathroom blah blah blah, and they kind of did the naughty naughty. Anyways back to the story.

⚠️WARNING ⚠️  There's a little bit of 18+ but nothing that you can't read. 

Meggy: Look guys, they came out!

Bob: It was about time.

Both SMG3 and SMG4 came out of the bathroom. Both were blushing but none of them talked to each other. 

Meggy: so how did it went?~ 

Silence in the room

3: w-well got to g-go guys.

He took eggdog and headed for the door.

4: y-yeah I-I have t-to go too. M-Mario? We meet at 8am tomorrow as usual 

Both 3 and 4 went out of Meggy house and headed back home.

Meggy: HA! The both boyfriends are stutter  of what they did in the bathroom, that they forgot how to speak! *Meggy giggles*

                            * 3 POV: *

SMG3 finally arrive home with eggdog.

3: *sigh*, well I guess it's time to sleep.

SMG3 puts eggdog to sleep. SMG3 lays in his bed. 

3's mind:  I can't... I can't sleep! His... in my mind. His eyes... His hair ... his lips..his...

SMG3 started blushing when he started to think about SMG4's uh wongle dingo. -. Sudden SMG3 feels something strange and strong down below. He realized what it was. He quickly stood up from bed and want to the bathroom. He did his thing and then went to bed to continue his sleep.

       *4 POV: *

He's in bed BTW 💀

*4 mind:* Why, WHY DID I DID THAT! I'm not GAY!? Or am I ? Nah. It's just that his eyes... his hair.. his lips... his.. nah ew. I'm not even gonna  think  about that. I'm not gay. 

SMG4 started to blush. But then quickly felt asleep.

The next day....

Both of the boys wake up but as soon as they wake up, they remember that today is the group meeting! That means that they would have to meet each other. What if they ask questions about last night? What then? Both of the boys started to come up with a plan, and finally they got it.

Meanwhile Meggy was preparing for the meeting.

Meggy's mind: Now there, don't make them uncomfortable. Don't ask them right away. I know you are curious but you have to let them process what they did until they are ready to share. 

After that, she told everyone to come. The meeting was ready to start.

Some time later...

SMG4 walks in Meggy house. He was greeted by Meggy, who surprisingly was waiting for him to come. SMG4 was searching the room to see if SMG3 was there. He was relief when he saw 3 wasn't there. 

Meggy: Welcome 4! Come and sit meanwhile the others come.

Later on, Bob came with Tari. (Oh btw have you seen how good Tari new designs is) Then Mario with Luigi, and lastly came SMG3 with eggdog. SMG3 usually sits next to 4 but this time he sat across him.

Meggy: ok, everyone's here! Let's get this meeting start! 

They talked about how there day was and what they are planning to do over the summer, until Bob decided to talk about last night,

Bob: So why did you took SMG3 to the bathroom 4?

4: What! Nonsense. I only did it because... uh...

3: He needed help with something. You know, boy stuff . (He interrupted)

Mario: Boy stuff? I thought there was only girls stuf-

4: Just nothing important. 

Meggy: Well, do you guys ever think of, well, becoming official.... Uh dating? 

4: what!? No, 3 is just a friend nothing more. Beside I'm not gay, and I would never date my enemy anyways. 

SMG3 feels a sharp pain in his chest. He's just a friend to SMG4? Not GAY? Enemy? At that moment, his world turn upside down.

3: uh yeah that's right! We are n-not a t-thing! Just f-friends ha ha. 3 said with a sad voice.

The meeting went on for about another hour. Then everyone left. 3 pulls 4 aside to talk.

3:4, the thing you said at the meeting, it's false right?

4: uh? Oh that thing! Nope! It's true! You didn't think that we were gonna date right? 

3:Nah... who would ever think about that?

4: Anyways, see you tomorrow!

3: yeah see you tomorrow. 

As SMG4 left , SMG3 feels the sharp pain again in his heart. But this time, it's much stronger. He went back home and throw himself to bed, not putting eggdog to sleep.

Eggdog mind: My papa forgot to put me to sleep. He never forgets. What is wrong. 

3 talking to himself: Well that hurts, why did I actually thought we were gonna date? Silly me.He will never date me.

SMG3 cried himself to sleep.

SMG3 cried himself to sleep

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