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Steve and bucky make their way to your room. As they are concerned about what loki told them yesterday . Bucky : Hello doll , me and uncle Steve wanted to talk to you . He says as they both sit on the bed next to you . Steve : loki told us that you were asking about your mother . Are you okay? He says, pulling you in close as you seem nervous about the conversation. Bucky: You can talk to me about anything, doll. I won't be mad. Y/n: What was mommy like ? You say scooting in closer to Steve. Bucky smiles, bucky: she was the love of my life. She had the most amazing singing voice. She would use it to sing you to sleep every night. Her smile could light up a whole room. You know you remind me a lot of her. Y/n: Really? Steve: Oh yes, every time I see you laugh, I see her. He says then squeezing your sides and making you cackle. Bucky: she had the most amazing laugh. It was contagious, he said with a chuckle . Y/n: Really, how so ? You said as he pulled you into his lap. Steve : she was hilarious when everyone was down she would make bad jokes and laugh at them . Causing everyone to laugh. Remember that time she pulled the old hair die in the shampoo prank on everyone. He said with a chuckle. Bucky: Oh, how could I forget . I still don't know how she pulled it off. Y/n: What did she do ? You asked, not understanding the concept. Bucky:
One time while we were all out traing and your mother discied it was a good idea to put the rainbow in all of are shampoos. We looked like a messed up skittles pack for almost a week. He said, laughing. Y/n: she sounds awesome. I wish I could've met her . You say as a tear rolls down your cheek . bucky pulls you into a tight embrace . Jarvis : There are intruders attacking outside ! We need everyone in gear now ! Bucky and Steve dash out the door . leaving you on your bed lost in your thoughts. All you can do is cry. You hear loud bangs and screaming coming from outside . You hate loud noises. You run to the kitchen and see loki hiding behind the island . He was the only one not fighting. Y/n: lokii !! You cry as you run into his arms .loki: shhh, it's alright, darling . Everything is going to be okay. He says as he rubs your back for comfort as you sob into his shoulder. You both sit there for another 20 minutes, and then it's silent. Bruce : GET HIM ON A TABLE AND WITH OXGEYN STAT !! you here, Bruce yell . Loki gets up as you both go and see what's going on. You look in the lab room where everyone else was . and see your dad with blood down his chest and an oxygen mask. Y/n: DADDY!! you scream as you try to run to him, but Thor Pics you up and takes you out of the room. Y/n: I WANT DADDY ! you scream as you try to escape from thors embrace. Thor: Calm down y/n he's going to be okay. Bruce knows what he is doing. You start to hypervenlate and can't stop shaking. Y/n: I w-want d-dday! You keep repeating to yourself you try to run back to the lab, but you end up passing out, and everything goes black

Time laps: Steve: Is she going to be okay, Bruce? Bruce : she'll be fine she just had a panic attack i can give you some medication if it happens again or more often. Steve : Okay, thanks, man. You woke up to the sound of your uncles voice. Y/n: Is Daddy okay?! I want daddy ! You say edmtily sitting up. Steve : he's okay he's just resting in the lab and getting some tests done. Y/n : Can I see him now ? You ask getting of your bed . Bruce : Yes, you may . He says with a soft smile as he brings you to the lab. Bruce : sets you on the bed with bucky and leaves . Bucky: I'm alright, Babby . This is not my first round . Tears stream down your face as you see the bullet sitting on the table next to you . Y/n: You left m- me . I was scared. i was never going to see y- you again. You lay your head on his chest . Bucky: Oh doll, I'm so sorry. I promise I won't leave you like that again . He says, putting a Blakent over the both of you .y/n: pinky promise? You say with a smile. Bucky: pinky promise. You don't leave your father's side for the rest of the day . You both enjoy eacthothers company as you benj wacth Disney movies together.

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