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Ari yawned as she sat up from her bed, remembering the dream she had just woken up from. "Well that was weird..." she muttered quietly as she turned off the fan near her bed. Ari yawned again as she stood up from her bed, almost falling down.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated. She looked and saw that it was from her online friend, Aya. [Good morning!!] The text said. Ari felt a little happiness inside but didn't show it. [Good morning to you too!!<3] She sent, being her online self.

Aya<3 & Ari<3 private chat

Aya: how are you feeling today?

Ari: better than yesterday, wbu?

Aya: i'm also doing better than yesterday!

Ari: well that's good, right?

Aya: yeah!

Ari: I gtg, I have to get dressed so I don't miss the bus!

Aya: alright, bye then!

Ari: bye!!

End of chat

Ari felt that familiar feeling whenever she'd talk to her friend, it was happiness, no one else could make her feel that. Ari sighed as she grabbed one of the hoodies hanging in her closet and a pair of grey sweatpants and put her black long hair into a messy bun.

 Ari sighed as she grabbed one of the hoodies hanging in her closet and a pair of grey sweatpants and put her black long hair into a messy bun

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Ari then grabbed her phone and headphones so she could listen to music on the bus

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Ari then grabbed her phone and headphones so she could listen to music on the bus. She put some perfume and deodorant on before going to her kitchen and grabbing a sandwhich she had made the night before. Ari sighed in delight as she took a bite out of the sandwhich.

After she had eaten her sandwhich, she looked at the clock and saw it was time to go. 'Well, time to go back to that shithole' she thought as she put on her sneakers. (I know that in South Korea they have uniforms but for this, they don't have uniforms)

Ari walked out of the door after saying goodbye to her black cat, Momo. Ari locked the door before putting on her headphones, Bluetooth on her phone and connected them to each other. She put on her liked playlist and started walking towards the bus stop in Yeosu. 

when she got to the bus stop, she had to wait a few minutes before the bus came. 'finally' she thought as the bus had arrived a little later than usual. a small part of her was nervous that she was gonna be late for school, but her mind wasn't worried or nervous at all.

the bus from Yeosu to Seoul was a long drive, it took almost 5 hours to get to the capital. but Ari didn't care at all, her lessons would begin at 11 am and from the bus stop closest to the university, it would take about half an hour, so she had time to make it to her classes. 

if she was gonna be honest, she only got into this university due to her parents being really rich and famous. the principle was apparently a teacher at this university when her parents went here and was their head teacher, so when Ari's mom asked if she could join this university, the principle immediately agreed because she paid him alot of money and he 'knew' that Ari would be just as smart as her parents.

"welcome to the capital of South Korea!" a womans voice said in Korean. "we hope you have an exciting experience here!" the voice continued as Ari tried to not listen. "first stop, Seouls head bus stop" a robot voice said. 

Ari stood up and waited for the doors to open before pushing herself out of the bus. 'to think i have to deal with that every morning...' Ari thought as she sighed and walked in the direction of the university. 

when she got inside the university, it was already 10:58 am. which meant she had two minutes to put her things in her locker and make it to class. 'whatever.. they can't put me in detention because they know how far away i live..' Ari thought as she put her things in her locker before making her way to the first class.

"Lee Ari!" her head teacher said as she walked inside the classroom. "why are you late?" the teacher asked. "the bus got here later than usual.." Ari said quietly as she walked to her seat, only to see a guy with purple hair sitting where her seatmate used to sit. 

the teacher went back to talking about the basics of math as Ari sat down. Ari was confused as she looked at the back of her old seatmates head, wondering why she's move spots. 'ugh.. now i have to get used to this guy...' Ari thought as she laid her head on her arms. 

During the lesson, the guy kept Stealing glances at Ari until she had enough. "Could you quit it?" She asked annoyed in korean. "I-I'm sorry.. i don't really understand Korean..." the purple haired guy said nervously. "oh.. are you one of the exchange students?" Ari asked in english. "uh yeah.." the guy said.

"oh.. uhm.. nice to meet you.. now could you stop staring at me?" Ari asked. "oh uhm i was staring? sorry.. also nice to meet you.. i'm Levi" Levi said. "i'm Ari.." Ari said. "guess we're seatmates for the next year?" Levi said. "yeah.." Ari said. 'god this is akward..' both Ari and Levi thought as they looked away from each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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