| 𝗶𝗺 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘁

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Here's the truth about Darla. Darla who I should really call Yun Aera, is my cousin who I wish I wasn't related to. A narcissist who fell in love from boredom, captivating a beauty who fell head over heels for her. A high chance criminal. A thief.

That I will explain. About 2 years ago, Aera always went out, leaving Soobin alone like always. But, I had enough of this, so I went over, got Soobin dressed up and out, out to find her. For what reason? I was unsure what I was doing that day, I just wanted him to see that this relationship needed discussing. Anyways, we eventually find her after contacting friends where she could be, turns out it was a bar. That's okay, right? No, it wasn't. Aera was kissing a girl, right infront of her lover. I'm not angry that it was a girl, BUT THE MERE FACT WHAT SHE DID THAT DAY WAS UNFORGIVABLE. Now, you may be wondering.. if Soobin was right there..how come he doesn't know now? This hurts to say. Really does, I feel like a sidekick criminal for allowing this to happen and I'm willing to never forgive myself. I don't even deserve to be friends with Soobin. All the nausea, wasn't 'love' but rather guilt and fear that he would find out and leave me to die.

Darla had drugged Soobin.

I know it seems, intense.. I think so too; Aera being an actress for Soobin's novels that were turned to movies, she would never allow her career to get ruined. Allegations left and right, they would swell her mind and if the truth ever came to the light of social media. She would be damned. She could never show her face again especially after the years in rehabilitation, she could never look anyone in the eyes. I didn't want that, I believed she deserved love, but maybe Soobin wasn't the one for that role. I'm now starting to think she needs to see the damage done. If Soobin's body saw those benzodiazepines differently, he could've got into serious medical shock. I really need to repent.


"Ah, hyung?"

"No, its Beomie.."

Soobin turns around.

"Beomiee! Why do you look so miserable?"

Beomgyu harshly pulls him into a hug.

"Break up with Aera."

"Y- Aera?"

"Darla. Break up with her."

"Beomgyu, I love her, stop it."

Soobin tries to push him off.

"Yah! Soobin hyung, she drugged you two years ago and I helped her, because I didn't want you to get hurt. You ended up injured either way, I hate myself for it. Aera is Darla, she went by her korean name when you found her kissing that girl in that bar. Everytime it was mentioned you remembered, so that's why she had strict rules towards it. She didn't let you outside because she was afraid of you remembering and then going to tell the media; I'm here now and I promise retribution and justice. I can be your exit. I am your exit."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This was heavy, like a boulder just dropped onto my back even though the slabs of stone were already a struggle. This was hard, like all my veins, capillaries and arteries just went solid, instead of pumping blood around the body it felt like cement. Every. Single. Fucking. Word processed so slowly, piling on top and now I realised it was all coming back. The blaring music and the spotlight, which was on Aera, and that girl.. The sympathetic teary face of Beomgyu before he shoved the pill into my mouth. I was in a state of heartbreak; Aera couldn't accept that and decided that benzos would shut me up. There was still Beomgyu to deal with. I tried to speak, I really tried, mouth gaping but no words left for my vocal chords had rejected the idea of fighting back. It was reasonable as I would only drown in anguish.

"I am my own exit. I will get out of here and make sure I never see you again. I hate you."

✧*̥˚ 𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 *̥˚✧ ᵇᵉᵒᵐᵇⁱⁿWhere stories live. Discover now