CH1-Discovery of Bunnies

439 21 7

Eira's POV:


That's how Eira liked to work. No people to worry about and she knew how to get the job done and she only needed to get herself out the fair majority of her deployments. Working alone was something she had tired to do no matter how many times the Bureau of Hybrid Protection Services tried to assign her a partner. She called in for help if and when she needed it. She always said no to a partner because she had already lost so much as a child. Her parents were both undercover agents for the BHPS  and had both died during a "freak accident" whilst they were deployed in Mexico when she was 16. Soon after that she fended for herself, by choice, people tried to befriend her but due to fear of losing another loved one she decided to fly solo.

It all came at a price though. She put all of her time into her assigned jobs and rarely did anything but. She had a mild (not so mild) obsession with keeping busy and away from home.

That was her excuse for not being home her current deployment. She has been following a lead about an illegal hybrid fighting ring for the past six months, tracking their movements and watching from afar. She had carefully made a plan using the building plans where the underground fight club was. The owner had established it below a casino in the center of town. The owner was bold for putting the fighting ring so obviously under the eyes of the law but it didn't surprise her if the cops knew but were paid to keep quiet. 

Here Eira was sat at the bar of RANGERS casino, wearing a not so comfortable black mini dress, listening to a middle aged man talking about the hybrid fight that was going to be happening in the next hour and how he could get her in for the right price. The right price being him being her plus one for the evening. 

"Every man should have a woman like you on their least for the night." The man smiled a yellow teethed grin. Eira grimances and rolls her eyes internally. Why is it always men like that, who think it is okay to say outlandish crap like that and thinking women would like it? Eira didn't personally understand the mindset but she did need to get into the fighting ring and Mr Han was just the man that would get her down there. She had sent the bureau a message beforehand to ensure that once she had got in there she would press the panic button that was on the inner seam of her dress on her right thigh, which would alert Seokjin who was in charge of the SWAT team that was to surround the premises.

"You are quite the charmer Mr Han." She smiled gently. Mr Han offered his arm to her as the bell for the fights sounded. She begrudgingly looped her arm in his and they slowly descended the long flight of stairs which led to the large fighting ring.

The fighting ring was a shocking sight. The room was large and there were benches littered around the room with large groups of people talking, shouting and gambling. Mr Han guided her around the room and the further she came into the room she noticed in the center of the hall there was a drop and in the drop there was a fighting ring which was surrounded by cages with two hybrids in the middle fighting. In all her years of working for the bureau she had never felt so disgusted as she watched men and women shouting and cheering as the two hybrids lunging and swatting and brutally punching each other. 

My Little Bun Bun {Hybrid J.JK x OC} UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now