Daddy's rules - Oliver moy

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You and Oliver have been dating for three years now, your relationship is very stable and you are both loyal. You and Oliver, do like sex but your relationship isn't based on it but since you guys recently celebrated New Year's, you guys decided to 1, by a house together, and 2 start to show more of your kinks.
Oliver had left for work early in the morning so you were going to be home alone all day. Later on at about 5 PM you got horny after accidentally opening an album you had on your phone gallery that was basically pictures of Oliver and you having sex but you couldn't necessarily help yourself because Oliver was at work and on his list of rules, he says that he's the only one allowed to make you cum.
Oliver's list:
Daddy's rules:
1. Do not call me Oliver, you approach me as daddy unless near family or friends
2. Listen to daddy, if you don't, there will be consequences
3. Be a good girl for daddy
4. No pleasuring yourself, daddy is the only one who is aloud to pleasure you
5. Remember daddy loves you princess
You waited five minutes trying to text Oliver, asking when he would come home, but you got no response, you had gotten fed up, so you decided to go against his rules, you ran upstairs into yours and Oliver's bedroom, you closed the door and closed the curtains a bit, you lay down on the bed and put your phone in your underwear. You grabbed your phone and went to Oliver's Instagram and after you found a good photo, you started to finger yourself while fantasizing, you let out small moans while you thrusted your fingers inside yourself.
Five minutes later, you were still fingering yourself you were soaking wet to the point where you actually started to question if you Peed. You were still pleasuring yourself when you hear someone say. " having fun, princess?" You looked up to Oliver, leaning on the door frame with a smirk on his face, you quickly took your hand out of your underwear and sat up, he slowly walked over to you.
"Disobeying daddy I see" he said with a smirk as he slowly caressed your cheek with his thumb then slowly lifting your chin up by using his index finger. "Hmm, you know what to do, strip and get the toys from your the closet" he said rubbing his thumb against your thigh.
You nodded and got up, you stripped quickly before you went to the closet and got the box of sex toys, while doing so Oliver stripped as well.
You carried the box over to Oliver who was sitting in the bed rubbing his hands on his thighs trying to calm down his already hard dick and control himself without jerking off.
"You, laying down on the bed, now" he said, you did as he said and layed down while he grabbed a couple sex toys out of the box, after picking some out, he got onto the bed and sat by your legs.
" you ready for your punishment baby?" he says with a slight smirk, while also taking quick glances at your pussy, you nod " remember, no cumming princess" he said.
He grabbed a transparent dildo, and he pushed open your legs, slowly, looking up at you with a smirk.
He slowly rubbed the dildo against the entrance of your soaking wet pussy, you tried your best to keep in your pleasurable moans that he was causing. He put the dildo down and grabbed a clip on vibrator he had previously taken out.
He clipped the toy onto your Clit, as he turned it onto the max setting, he smirk, getting quite excited about the moans you were about to let out.
As you started to feel the vibrations on your Clit, you let out loud moans.
Oliver watched in amusement as you got wetter as he watched your Clit vibrate with the toy, while also taking quick glances at your scrunched up face.
You tried to keep in your moans but couldn't and ended up letting out a pornographic moan, you saw how Oliver was smirking the whole time. Oliver, shortly after turned the vibrator off, you had moaned out that you work close second before which was a mistake on your part.
You whined as he unclipped the toy and took it off. Oliver then sat on the edge of the side of the bed, he looked at you in a way that made you, even whether if that was even possible, the luck he has given you what is a look, he gave you often, at this point it was muscle memory that look, what is code for ' get your ass over here', you got up and went over to him, he placed you on his lap, holding you tightly in place by your waist.
"Oli-" you stopped before you could finish and looked up at Oliver, who had an eyebrow raised, you then remembered the rule... " do not call me. Oliver, you approach me as daddy unless near family or friends."
" daddy what are you doing?" You said somewhat confused, but also week due to Oliver previously denying your orgasm. "Shhh, remember baby no cumming and if you do, you get another punishment. Do you understand?" Oliver growled, you nodded.
" open your legs, princess" he said, you did, as you were told, and opened your legs, you're pussy being on full display for Oliver. He smirked as he looked down at your soaked pussy. He slowly put two fingers in his mouth, sucking on them a bit before taking them out and slowly bringing them down to your entrance.
He slid his digits between your wet folds before putting them halfway into you, you are just your back a little and gripped Oliver's shoulder tightly.
Oliver put his fingers all the way inside of you before starting a thrusting like pace that increased in speed quickly. Your body began moving back and forth with Oliver's fingers, your boobs, bouncing, Oliver, leaned down and started to kiss and suck on your neck as he fingered you, him scattering light hickeys all over your neck.

He starts to move his fingers in a Circle, collecting all your wetness, wanting to feel how wet you really work. He looked at you and smirked . At this point, you were a moaning mess.
" never knew you got this wet for daddy princess" he said, lifting his face up from your neck, smirking, he continued to thrust his fingers at the fast pace he had previously created.
"D-daddy I'm gonna c-cum" you stuttered, trying your hardest to stop yourself from cumming while also, making sure your moaning wasn't too loud.
"You better not, you don't deserve to cum after disobeying daddy" Oliver spoke, harshly, "pl-pleas-e, daddy please I-" you played it, but before you or Oliver could say anything else you lost control, and cummed. Your body relaxed into Olivers, Oliver looked down at your pussy; which had Olivers now cum covered fingers in it; and then back at you. " did you just cum?" he asked in a taunting yet stern tone, you avoided complete eye Contact with Oliver as he said that. He slowly picked you up and placed you on the bed.
" on your stomach with your ass in the. Now" Oliver demanded as he walked over to his dresser and grabbed a belt. You obeyed his rules and laid on your stomach with your ass up in the air, you heard Oliver's footsteps, get closer and closer until you felt a slight dip on the bed.
" your gonna count to five after each one, OK, princess?"
Oliver said, united, he wrapped the belt around his hand, a little, making it easier to hold onto, he, then proceeded to squeeze your ass slightly,  " ready, princess?" he asked, him, saying it in a very rhetorical way, he didn't wait for a response, and proceeded to lay a harsh smack to your ass with his belt.
* spank* "o-one" * spank* "tw-o" * Spank* "fou-r" "last one princess" he said, you had a tear roll down your cheek due to the pain, but Oliver knew that you enjoyed it slightly.
* spank*
"Good girl" he praises ,he put his belt down and started to rub your ass and squeeze it to help calm the stinging pain
" I'm sorry princess, I know it hurts, but I warned you, next time, be a good girl for daddy, OK?" he said, in a sympathetic and sweet voice.
" yes, daddy, I'll be good next time" you responded, " next time call me. I'll rub your ass a little more and then we can cuddle and eat?" he questioned, you just simply nodded as he continued to rub and squeeze your ass
Now, you know to never mess with daddy Oliver ;)

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